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20. Giving the fight over to Hashem.
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On this board, everyone is encouraged to share their journey through the 18 tools of the GYE handbook and get Chizuk and answers from everyone else here as well!

The GYE handbook provides a systematic framework for breaking free of this addiction. But just reading it alone won’t do very much if we don’t “work” the tools therein. So after reading through the GYE handbook once, we go back and start again from the beginning, this time taking it slowly and giving each tool a lot of careful thought. Have we tried the first few tools yet? What parts have we still not tried? Do we have questions, comments, doubts about any of the tools? Slowly but surely, tool by tool, day by day, the GYE handbook - together with the group support of this board - will provide you with the best framework possible for systematic growth and progress.
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TOPIC: 20. Giving the fight over to Hashem. 1469 Views

20. Giving the fight over to Hashem. 09 Nov 2010 03:48 #83598

Ultimately, only Hashem can overcome the addiction for us. As Chazal say: “If Hashem doesn’t help him, he cannot overcome him” (the Yetzer Hara). But, in order for Hashem to fight for us, we need to know that we can’t do it alone, and we need to reconnect with Hashem in a very fundamental way and learn a complete dependency on Him; much like the way a one day old baby depends on its mother.
Sometimes “Fear of Failure” can actually lead us to falls. Winston Churchill once said: “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.” And - lehavdil - Rabbi Nachman said, “The main thing is not to fear at all.” Trying to control our own addiction leads us to fear, because we start to ask ourselves: "Can I really do it?" And when we are attacked by the Yetzer Hara, we often fall simply because we fear the addiction and we think it is too strong for us.
Instead, the secret to success is to let Hashem do it for us, as the Pasuk says: “Hashem yilachem lachem, ve’atem tacharishun” – “Hashem will fight for you, and you shall be silent.” To accomplish this, however, we need to learn to completely trust in Hashem. And those who learn this and give over the struggle to Hashem just sit back and watch as Hashem removes the lust from them and keeps them sober. This technique is nothing short of miraculous, but it has been documented thousands of times by the most hopeless cases of addiction in AA and SA groups around the world, since the 1930s. (Read #438 on this page for one example).
The Ohr Hachayim that we mentioned above in #15 also describes this miraculous phenomenon. He asks, if someone has already fallen into these things and can't help thinking about them, how can they possibly hold themselves back from sinning? He quotes the Pasuk in Acharei Mos: "Speak to the Children of Israel and tell them, I am Hashem your G-d. Like the ways of the land of Egypt that you have dwelled in their midst, you shall not do." Explains the Ohr Hachayim, that the Torah is hinting to us that for someone who "dwelled in the land of Egypt" and has already accustomed himself to seeing and thinking about these things, the Pasuk starts off with the words: "Tell them that I am Hashem your G-d." This is to teach us that, quote: "While it is impossible with human strength... with G-dly strength, you shall be able to be victorious over the natural, physical drives."
When we learn to “Let Go and Let G-d,” Hashem does all the fighting for us and we don’t have to “overcome” anything on our own. Our part is just to live with Hashem’s help, and take the steps we can to ensure we do not continue feeding our addiction. When we let Hashem do it for
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us, we have Hashem’s strength and not our own, as the Pasuk says “Kovei Hashem – Yachalifu Koach” – “those who hope to Hashem exchange strengths,” one, so to speak, exchanges his strength with that of Hashem.
Learning how to truly give over the fight to Hashem may require joining a 12-Step Group, but for starters, we can try to internalize this in our daily struggles through short “foxhole” type prayers every time we are tested, such as “Father, HELP ME!!” or “Hashem, only YOU can do it for me,” or “I depend completely on You Father!”, etc… The Steipler writes regarding these tests, some people need to daven 50 times a day to be protected.
Chabakuk Hanavi said "Tzadik Be'emunoso Yich'ye” – “The Tzadik will live in his faith." Rashi explains that, in earlier generations, people had the strength to concentrate on all 613 mitzvos; however, in the later generations we simply cannot. So Chabakuk Hanavi gave us the key: Concentrate on Emunah (Faith) and Hashem will take care of everything else.
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Re: 20. Giving the fight over to Hashem. 09 Nov 2010 03:55 #83603

we are babies who depend on our daddy, hashem therfore we cant do this by ourself. but we need to show daddy that we want his help.
we need to give it to hashem, when we keep it to ourselves we get scared etc and end up falling. r nachman says the main thing is not to fear at all. so we must give it to hashem
has anyone played the trust game when you were younger? where you have a friend behind you and you fall backwards to see if he would catch you? well we used to and i would always lose cus i never trusted him, well thats NOT what we do with hashem, wee have to fall into hashems hand, but really trust him.
"LET GO AND LET G-D" we have to really do that. sometimes this will be done by doing 12 steps. but sometimes even if you just say 50 times a day "FATHER, HASHEM PLEASE HELP ME, I CANT DO IT WITHOUT YOU" will drill it into your head.
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