Dear SouthAfricanJEW,
So nice to hear from you! Your post is very interesting and well...interesting! Because of it, I went back in history and read through your thread ("Pork or cold Turkey," or something like that) in great interest, just to see what the record shows about the actual discussion there about a year ago.
In particular, I read
our correspondences in #'s 53 through 66 with extra attention. Two things amazed me:
1- You wrote much of the same stuff that you wrote above. Guilt was and is your only
real issue with masturbation - doing it is not causing you any problems, just the
guilt over it is; you never went into what your
motivationfor masturbating was/is - that I found (and still find) very interesting; and you were very respectful to everyone. That's pretty unusual, too.
and 2- the amazing consistency and redundancy in what
I posted then compared to what I posted just the other day! Gevalt! I am soooo boooooring and predictable!
Boruch Hashem, it is clear to me that I never told you that "Ayyy! You'd
better stop masturbating!", nor that it was like killing people, or anything like that. You knew all that already and it was obviously only making things worse! My contribution could only be in sharing my experience with you, not telling
you to do anything.
But the real point I want to make here is this, and it's about GYE:
What do you expect from a non-professional
forum of people who in most cases are not in any kind of recovery, at all. The majority of people here are also using - or trying to stop using - internet porn. Did they just start the day before and come here to post in utter shock at the aveiro they just did for the first time? Sirely very few are like that. No, most have been messing around and hiding and lying to keep sneaking peeks on the dirty internet for a long time already - and they are frum Jews who go to shul, keep Shabbos, learn and even teach! Of course we are a goofy bunch with problems between the ears!!
So? What, are we supposed to go "cold turkey" from our loopiness and suddenly think clearly?
No. And that's why
sharing our struggles and the things we are doing about them is the main benefit people will find here, rather than droshos to convince them that they'd better stop, or why to stop, etc.
Most have been This forum is for yidden who want to have a place to express their frustration regarding their porn use, etc., without shame. They are looking for support. Support is not recovery - but it is definitely worth a lot and many people have gone on from here to improve or even
meet their goals - with or without 12-steps recovery.
Hatzlocha in your path, whatever it is. Many people tend to expect growth to come quicker than it really does - amd here there are many who talk of "finally doing teshuvah sheleima for this aveiro," as though it is really 'an
event'. How silly. Chovos haLevavos (right at the start of "Sha'ar haTeshuvah") clearly describes teshuvah as
the new way you live and not as any
event, at all!
I believe that as long as you remain honest with yourself, and try to follow the Will of Hashem to the best of your ability, you will be fine in the end. I cannot define that for you and would not bother to try! I like the Torah, and so do you, so we can relate on that one. The truth in ourselves has a way of bringing us over the right road - sometimes it requires a
wife to kick us in the bum hard enough to get there, sometimes it requires a
failure - like mine (an addiction) - whatever...but we start living in a better and better way as long as we stay on that road of self-honesty.
I am a nobody - worse - and
addict nobody, and cannot hold court with any of the respected experts you have spoken with.
From the very start you were firm that the 12-steps derech is not for you. I wondered how you knew that, but never asked. As I believe that the 12-steps is only
relevant for a person who
has an addiction and
wants to stop but
cannot, I feel like finally asking you how you came to the conclusion that it was not for you back a year ago when you still wanted to stop but could not.
I fully understand if you wish to just drop the entire topic and never look back, but it might help me understand people a bit better, so I ask.
What do you expect from a (northamerican)JEW?
PS. Well there I go again. It's 3am and i tried falling asleep but couldn't for a while, so came back to the forum and saw what you wrote. I have been posting too much here lately and will try to stop for a while or at least cut back.
Guess I am not off to a very good start.
Still love you SAJ,