Uri (JA) wrote on 02 Aug 2009 20:22:
shkoyach chl and dov.
i actually stopped by today and bought a sefer from the kollel there.its off bar illan like u said chl.so far i read part of parsha eikev and its very geshmak.thanks alot
His Torah and orah are life itself, aren't they? Nevertheless, I cannot say this enough, and have posted a lot about this in the past: These seforim and all the good intentions and yiras shomayim in the world and out of it are not what I needed and need to stay sober today. I needed to work the steps with help from another addict. Period. The seforim and Torah give us a
reason to live and define "being alive", bichlal. A
reason to be sober, too. But - for me - the
way to get sober and sane enough to stay alive was by using these tools, not by doing
more of what I was doing before, nor even by doing it
better. I wish you the best, of course, and love you, no matter what.
You may not be an addict at all. But if you are, you
may need to do these steps, too, as I did.