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The Parlor Meeting - A Short Story from an FFBBT
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TOPIC: The Parlor Meeting - A Short Story from an FFBBT 1549 Views

The Parlor Meeting - A Short Story from an FFBBT 28 Jul 2009 00:25 #9900

  • Ben Moshe
The Parlor Meeting

You have been under a lot of stress lately.

And that stress isn't because of petty things, such as the story someone wrote about you the other day when you spent way too long in Walmart, wearing contacts and absorbed with your Bluetooth, because that article was actually quite flattering. The writer was dan you lechaf zechus like nobody's business. He said that you were fartracht in the aisles klerring Rashbas, or something like that. Of course, the verisimilitude was ridiculous: there is no way you could have gotten through three or four shiurim in the course of a grocery run, no matter how much you tarried.

The fact that someone thought that you were dissing your your wife when you thought of her as a "fuzzball", also didn't bother you. It's a regional thing. In the New York area the word means "warm and cuddly" as in "lovable fuzzball behind the E.I.B. microphone." Elsewhere, in the country, it means "scatterbrained and untidy" as in "fuzzy logic." You did, though, take one one commentator's admonition to heart, and now pay special attention to your wife each time she tells you of a new chicken recipe.

The stress does stem, though, from your visit last Shabbos to the Chassidishe Rebbe's tish [i]see short story "Shalosh Seudos" by yours truly[/i]] because everything you have held to date so dearly is in now in upheaval. Does the non-Chassidish world have what it takes to inspire you and to keep you in touch with Hashem? You have no interest in questions about externals, such as levush or herring. You want to get to the guts of this matter.

You try Googling the web for answers. You try "non-Chassidish" and "inspiration" and lots of other combinations, but you get no answers, aside from a reference to a quirky story entitled "The Parlor Meeting". The internet is beginning to disappoint you. It is not what it is cracked up to be; its integrity is in question. You consider discontinuing your AT&T account, even throwing your computer into the trash. Of what value is it if it cannot provide answers to the "big" questions?

Anyway, enough with bashmutzigen the internet.

You glance at the day's mail.

An invitation to a parlor meeting on behalf of a well-known Yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel.

The Rosh Yeshiva will be there.

So will you.

You arrive early, unfashionably early, and park yourself in the front row of folding chairs, in the very middle, right where the well-heeled shtitzers will sit. That does not bother you. You are alert like an eagle. As you work your way though a plate of delicious buffet chicken (you make a mental note to track down the recipe) you watch and wait.

The Rosh Yeshiva enters. A snow-white beard. Hadras Ponim. Intelligent and confident eyes. He greets, and is greeted, with great warmth.

The Rosh Yeshiva speaks. You are open-mouthed. You re-remind myself of the nature of a true talmid chochom. He has passion and eloquence, profound wisdom, and above all, Emes; a straight and profound emes which cuts to the bone and excites. His manner is untouched by the chazer fiss charm of society. He is not schooled in Dale Carnegie's How to Pretend you Like People and Turn them into Suckers.

You love it. You are excited. Your faith has been restored.

You leave a $5 check.

You pray that your check does not bounce.

In your car again, you roll up the windows so that no one can hear you, and you yell joyfully at the top of your lungs, "Hodu Lashem Ki Tov!"

The sun shines once again.
Last Edit: 29 Jul 2009 18:30 by umanrh.

Re: The Parlor Meeting - A Short Story from an FFBBT 28 Jul 2009 09:17 #9920

  • 7yipol
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 4686
  • Karma: 13
I cant stop smiling when I read your stories! ;D ;D ;D
Hashem is addicted to you! Feel His hugs!"Sheva yipol tzaddik VKUM"
Last Edit: by fldimarzio.

Re: The Parlor Meeting - A Short Story from an FFBBT 28 Jul 2009 11:58 #9933

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 906 days
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  • Posts: 6438
  • Karma: 138
LOL. I shouldn't be laughing so hard during the 9 days...

Does the non-Chassidish world have what it takes to inspire you and to keep you in touch with Hashem?

My personal opinion is, that in today's world any Litvishe Gadol who will - by Shitta - never quote a Chassidic thought, and vis-a-versa, a Chassidic Gadol who won't quote or learn from a Litvish Gadol - is not someone who "has what it takes"  

See also Chizuk e-mail #490 on this page.
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: 28 Jul 2009 13:19 by music211.

Re: The Parlor Meeting - A Short Story from an FFBBT 29 Jul 2009 13:40 #10104

  • Ben Moshe
Absolutely. If you have a man in Siberia who is both freezing and starving, and you send him just warm clothing, he will not survive the winter.

That said, the following cannot be sufficiently stressed:

Without a daily regimen of energetic and focused Torah study, the Jewish mind will die. That is the bread and butter of survival and growth, and until a person gets that, he will continue to spin his wheels for the rest of his life wondering why he is getting no traction, continuously slipping backwards.
Last Edit: by .

Re: The Parlor Meeting - A Short Story from an FFBBT 29 Jul 2009 14:02 #10106

  • me
My personal opinion is, that in today's world any Litvishe Gadol who will - by Shitta - never quote a Chassidic thought, and vis-a-versa,

Well said.
Last Edit: by .

Re: The Parlor Meeting - A Short Story from an FFBBT 29 Jul 2009 17:44 #10121

Right on! Boom!
Last Edit: by eli bernstein.

Re: The Parlor Meeting - A Short Story from an FFBBT 03 Aug 2009 03:23 #10460

  • bardichev


Last Edit: by al tisyaesh.

Re: The Parlor Meeting - A Short Story from an FFBBT 03 Aug 2009 14:18 #10518

  • Ben Moshe
I appreciate that.

Writer's block
Last Edit: by lebron.

Re: The Parlor Meeting - A Short Story from an FFBBT 03 Aug 2009 15:24 #10525

bardichev you crack me up!

Ben Moiseh,


We need some Oxygen.

Please, at least one Article a week.

Don't hide your talent from us.

Last Edit: by adamm123.

Re: The Parlor Meeting - A Short Story from an FFBBT 03 Aug 2009 17:31 #10537

  • 7yipol
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 4686
  • Karma: 13
Block shmock, right Bardichev?

Tell Hashem His children on GYE are waiting for their bedtime story. We've all been as good as possible all day. Its story time. Time to demand siyata dishmaya.
Hashem is addicted to you! Feel His hugs!"Sheva yipol tzaddik VKUM"
Last Edit: by s4971.

Re: The Parlor Meeting - A Short Story from an FFBBT 03 Aug 2009 17:34 #10538

  • bardichev

Last Edit: by shaun.
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