Shalom aliechem my yedid nefesh who goes by the Holy name GYE Jew,
U took a tremendous step in the path of long term sobriety to begin posting here. I'm sure it took courage I know that for me it did despite the fact that its done anonymously!
All I have to offer is my "heart" it is with your pain that is SHOUTING out between the lines!! Some of us who have been where u are can read between the line very well!!
We share what worked for us:
Here it goes 1-10
1. Get the strongest No nonsense filter!!
2. Get the strongest No nonsense filter!
3.Get the strongest No nonsense filter!
4. Get the strongest No nonsense filter!
5.Get the strongest No nonsense filter!
6.-10. Keep posting on GYE (stick with us buddy and u will go places

Here is a thought that just popped into my head
If I knew u personally (as opposed to here on GYE where you are my Yedid Nefesh

) and u confided with me regarding your struggle, I promise you that you would go up in my eyes a thousand fold!!! So don't get down we all here agree in our sober and lucid moments (yes they will come every once in a while

That we are bigger and better because of the struggle! That we are growing from our battle!!
I think I speak for a lot of the holy chevra on the forum.
With the strongest virtual hug possible and with fiery LOVE!!
with the greatest respect for your courage
Noorah the smallest of the house of Amram
PS a lot of chizuk goes on behind the "scenes" with pm. Use it!!!