Thanks tzaddik90
It's the ultimate selfish act - the one thing that makes us most like H" - the ability to create life and deepen the relationship with our soul mate and we turn it around for selfish pleasure.
One big thing that I learnt from orchos tzaddikim is that even when traits seem entirely negative, there's always a positive use for them
E.g. procrastination can be used to delay doing wrong (e.g. lusting)
Being a man, I can identify with lust being the drive to find a wife - but I have a wife now...
How about procrastination is that caused be bieng a SA?
Looking up a definition for procrastination, I found the following:
"To properly define procrastination, one must understand the causes of the problem: fear of the unknown, fear of a negative outcome, perfectionism, and even rebellion are among the most common."
"Most people procrastinate because it offers them comfort and relief from having to undergo an unpleasant task. " (
For me, that strikes a chord. You can almost replace the word procrastination with mast* and it still rings true.
Overcoming procrastination will probably help in controlling the addiction - when one has an unpleasant task to do, procrastinating frees one up to do other things...