I'm a bochur looking to break free of my lust-based aveiras.
I looked at pornography and masturbated for years before making teshuva. This was accepted and common in secular society and I did it quite less often than many balanced people I knew. However, it always bothered me. I knew it was a corrupted method to release pain, and that it was a bad use of one of my most important drives.
I no longer look at pornography. And it is rare that I look at untzius images intentionally. Masturbation is becoming rarer and rarer of an occurrence - a slip once every 2 weeks. During a slip I usually look at untzius images on the computer. Despite this relative infrequency, it has still become an unacceptable boundary in my connection with Hashem. I need a change.
I have successfully worked on many of my midos and youthful insecurities. I feel strong, balanced and ready to lead a wonderful life. And while marriage may circumvent my infrequent urge to masturbate by giving me a partner to express my drives, I think it is irresponsible for me (personally) to simply put a band-aid on this cut. I want to grow through and past this difficulty as a bochur so I can bring an element of strength to a marriage.
I'm committed to doing whatever it takes to stop this problem immediately. I'm also committed to refining my general relationship with lust, and building a healthy emotional construct of sexuality and pain. I'm committed to turning this challenge into a strength.
I have of course told myself many times I would never slip again. I have read books and tried several paths on my own, but I'm ready to admit that I'm not sure what to do. I'm uncomfortable sharing this, and concerned of my anonymity, but I'm ready to move forward. I would like suggestions on where to start.
I'm not into the idea of phone calls, meetings or anything that compromises my privacy. I am self-disciplined and self-aware enough to try a method by myself. I also prefer a time-efficient method that I can do privately within a yeshiva environment. I also need the confidence that a given method is actually successful for people.
Please share any and all suggestions. And please ask for whatever additional information is needed to make a proper suggestion.