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interesting thought on nocturnal and clean streak
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TOPIC: interesting thought on nocturnal and clean streak 399 Views

interesting thought on nocturnal and clean streak 23 Dec 2010 01:05 #90443

  • strugglingandstrivngBT
So I want to try to pull two sources together and see if I can pinpoint a pattern: Wet dreams are supposed to be caused by sinful/lustfull daytime thoughts (amongst a mariad of other physiological causes like food, sleeping position and temperature).  There is also a gemara that discusses the organ being the only thing that gets hungrier the more you feed it. 
So around my last threads formation I was tempted but B"H made it through.  Then a few nights later had a nocturnal, and after seem to be having more trouble with a lot, spiritually, avoiding lust etc.  I didnt even remember the dream, I just woke up and it had happened in the night. 
SO, my point, in the form of a question, is does anyone else find that during a clean streak a nocturnal acts in a similar or same manner as a concious slip?  Would it fit with the organ hunger part and even though it is not intentional, still being fed, or the lustful thoughts and even though we may have the strength to not act on purpose, our flirting with our desires lowers us into the ring we should avoid?
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Re: interesting thought on nocturnal and clean streak 23 Dec 2010 01:29 #90445

that is a very interesting idea. i dont know
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Re: interesting thought on nocturnal and clean streak 23 Dec 2010 01:43 #90448

  • StrugglingGuy
listen- i am still struggling ups and downs so maybe there are more qualified people but here are my two cents:

when i am on a date with my 'other', i sometimes 'slip' a teensy bit EVEN THOUGH I HAVE NO LUSTFUL THOUGHTS WHATSOEVER. i mean i am attracted to her but i am not thinking about lust. it just kind of happens.
also, and unrelated- i have in the past had nocturnals which i think biologically is diff than when u mstrbt (maybe these are the 2 halachik terms - zav as opposed to baal keri, altho i could be wrong and they mean the same thing.) the point is that the nocturnals did not (have not had them in a while) stem from lustful thoughts in my sleep. it also sort of just happened.
so  if ypou are having a clean streak BH i am happy for you- i dont think the nocturnals even have to necessarily be related to your thoughts which may come up here and there...
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Re: interesting thought on nocturnal and clean streak 23 Dec 2010 02:48 #90453

  • strugglingandstrivngBT
I'm not sure.  I just know that afterwards I tend to have a bit more of a hard time for a few days, and they often coincide with having lustful thoughts.  Sort of a chicken/egg conandrum.  I agree 100% that they desire that comes with a keri or just thoughts is no where near as strong as actually acting willfully, but the energy seems present none the less.  There is a equal level of tameh from a keri so in that regard they would be similar, and I dont know the biological differences.  I would imagine the stages of arousal are not entirely present in sleep, but I dont know how that would translate to this issue, nor am I certain that this assumption is factual.
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Re: interesting thought on nocturnal and clean streak 23 Dec 2010 21:11 #90569

  • StrugglingGuy
right hopefully someone here can explain nocturnals from both a torah/kabalistic perhaps perspective as well as a bio. one
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Re: interesting thought on nocturnal and clean streak 27 Dec 2010 17:38 #90915

Hi Struggling(s),

From Guard's previous Chizuk e-mails, I think I remember reading that pornography can cause wet dreams because it hyper-stimulates sexual functions in the body.

However, if you're not looking at porn and avoiding triggers as much as poss, then I don't think you have anything to worry about. A traditional Chinese doctor once told me that wet dreams are the body's natural way to regulate things, but masturbation is completely abnormal. Apparently, more than twice a month is bad, but 2 times or less a month (nocturnal emissions) is not detrimental to health. 

I've never felt physically exhausted after a wet dream, but masturbation has always left me feeling deflated in every sense of the word.

That's my two cents lol and I hope it's been helpful.


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