I will share some perspective that i received from two heilege yidden today.
I am in touch with both of them by phone.
One is a partner.I will not share his name,cause I don't know if he wants me to reveal that we talk.
Uri:I can't help but escape from this frightening world,and retreat into my own sad world.
Him:Uri,2 things.First of all,start looking around.G-d is everywhere!There is no world,whether yours or anyone else's that isn't filled with Him,even if they don't realize.Second of all,the way to leave your world maybe is to start leaving it in periods and start giving.It will give you a whole new perspective on the world,and it will be a brighter place.
Shkoyach Reb Noach
The second person I spoke with was battleworn:
Uri:I can't stop running away from G-d.I just feel that He is so angry at me,and I can't bear to face Him any longer!
Battleworn: Uri,you must understand.There is no such concept of "hate" or "anger" or even "frustration" when it comes to our Father in Heaven.He created us to do good to us,and He knew that we woul fall,obviously.We just have to stick to Him and understand that He loves us and will always love us.In fact,the Zohar states that if only a person knew how much Hashem loves him,he would roar like a lion with happiness and strength.
Uri:I hear.But how come it says things like "Vayichar af Hashem" in the Torah?
Battleworn:The Rambam explains that Hashem speaks to us in any way that we can understand.For some people,Hashem "offers" them life,for some money,for some land.Whatever gets us to come close to Him.Some understand anger.That is great if that's what works for them,but for someone like you,it might be worthwhile to take a different approach.
Uri:But does it not say straight out in shema that if we do not listen,we will be punished and kicked out of the land and suffer?
Battleworn:That is true and a good point.Hashem does this so that we will do teshuva and become closer to Him.
He's not "punishing" us.Understand that well.He's doing whatever it will take to get us to do teshuva.
Uri:But I'm so very far from this teshuva you speak of.How can I have trust in Him if His good to me is dependant on my merits?
Battleworn: There is a pasuk in tehillim that says "Many are the chovos of the evil ones,but the one who has trust in Hashem,kindness will surround him."Pretty much all the meforshim agree that the end of the pasuk is talking about the reshaim also.If we have bitachon then that can wipe away our chovos and there will be only good.
Uri:But how is that so?Does bitachon possibly take the place of teshuva?
Battleworn:In a way,yes!Because the problem with sins is that they further us from Hashem,and teshuva reverses that and brings us closer.That's the beauty of teshiva.And emuna and bitachon have that same facet and purpose:to bring us close to our tatte in shamayim.
There was more but these are the main points i feel.
This put new perspective on several issues that i was dealing with.
i hope someone might find this useful