no problem
I had a very hard night.a very big emotional shock regarding the girl ive mentioned previously.i felt very hurt,betrayed by Hashem,and more depressed than ever.
I write "felt" because i had an angel come down from shamayim and talk to me.
Hashem has just given me such a tremendous hug chevre.
Do we even know what a hug is??
Hashem is the bestest hugger ever.
Due to his omnipotentness,His hugs are MASSIVE.
I went from feeling lower than ive felt in a long time to actually anticipating the coming day.
I fell to the bottom of the pit,and instead of finding pitchforks,i fell ontu cushions/matresses(the springy kind)/trampoline and i shot back higher than i was before i fell.
Tonight i have learnt that even the most painful experiences can sometimes be a beautiful hug,if only we open our eyes.
And i realize more and more every day how righteous,sincere,holy,sympathetic,caring,and giving the heilege yidden on this forum are.
I am heading to yeshiva tommorow night.I am feeling very apprehensive because i dont know if i could keep myself stable enough to go through the demanding routine every day,and especially without a computer
I need you guys.That i now know more than ever
If anyone (in israel especially.long distance costs a bit more) is down for sharing and exchanging numbers to be in touch,i would be so so happy.
I love every single person on this forum.
p.s. that might have been the single cheesiest line i ever wrote in my life.
p.p.s. so why dont i delete it?
p.p.p.s. maybe i should put that gay poll back up