What about that recorded music isn't really considered music ? Aren't there poskim that say that music that is ossur , meant live music?
I know it's not L'chatchila but this i what usually makes me be meiikel in this regard. Is it wrong? (We are very meikil bchlal with this , we listen Friday and motzei shabbos regularly bec of shabbos and every day if you feel you need it. I think it's bec reason I just stated.)
Just today I was listening to music, and I was trying to figure out what's better. I was traveling a long way and listening to music inspired me and brought me closer to hashem. If the churban happened bec. of our severing our connection with him, being baatsvus won't help , but trying to form a kesher with hkbh, will.
Am I making sense or just rationalizing? "
Reply: from Esnachtoh
Sorry, I think that I deleted the quote mark by mistake. Anyway....
I think that you are basically or completly right. However, Yiddin ask these questions to a qualified Poisek. If you don't know anyone, maybe you could ask Rav Zev Leff shlitoh. BTW, I think he said something about using music when driving so as to remain alert or awake !!! (That was not your reason of course, but may be related.) And using music for other
ulterior reasons. This was for the Sfirah. I have heard him speak about these things.
Personally, I asked these questions a few times and heard things many years ago, for myself. But I am not quoting Rabbi Leff and what I was told was for me only. Maybe Reb Guard shlitoh would be willing to answer or present the question to someone.
Since I started this thread, for the reasons that I stated at the beginning, (and for better or for worse) ---- not to have a halochik discussion here, I felt that I should offer some kind of reply. All the best.
Here is a shiur by Rabbi Leff on the Three Weeks.
www.rabbileff.net/shiurim/moadim/tishabav/halachos/halachos_of_3_weeks-5769.mp3 The Nine Days.