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does pausing help?
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TOPIC: does pausing help? 489 Views

does pausing help? 08 Sep 2010 00:19 #78090

  • Tzvi
if a person is in middle of doing an aveirah in this inyan is there any benfit to pausing for say ten seconds  just to sort of show that this isn't what you really want to be doing your just caught in your taivos?

or maybe this doesnt show anything since right after the ten seconds are up you continue?
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Re: does pausing help? 08 Sep 2010 07:21 #78107

Hi Tzvi,

Guard once said in one of the Chizuk e-mails that it gives God a great deal of pleasure if a person stops in the middle of his sin and turns away from it. He also said that if one can postpone sinning even for a couple of hours when the urge strikes him, he has already managed to weaken the Yetzer Hara.

If you can pause for 10 seconds, why not use that instant to try and think about what you're doing? Pause for another 10 seconds and then another 10, and ask yourself whether you really need to be doing it?

That's just my take anyway.


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Re: does pausing help? 08 Sep 2010 17:16 #78150

  • Tzvi
wow desertlion thanx.
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Re: does pausing help? 12 Sep 2010 02:13 #78168

i agree.
also besides for that, when you stop yourself for even 10 seconds you are training yourself. every 10 seconds of controlling yourself is another 10 seconds of learning and practicing self control. also i used to lose myself and start the aveirah, whatever it is, p*** or m******** and i sould stop myself and then i would want to start again and control myself and wait another 10 seconds and i would try to fall asleep (cus when you do it, you get sleepy cus you use a lot of energy) and usually when i woke up i would end up falling, but because of those 10 seconds i would be able to control myself for who knows how long.
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Re: does pausing help? 12 Sep 2010 02:17 #78169

also i have a q: the rambam says that a true baal teshuva is someone who stands in the same situation as the first time you sinned and you have the exact same opportunity and the exact same desire to sin but this time he controls himself. my q if if  we start to look at p*** or m******** etc. and then control ourselfs for 10 seconds even though we started but we stop ourselves is that considered the same baal teshuva of the rambam?
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Re: does pausing help? 12 Sep 2010 02:42 #78172

  • kosher
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It is important to remember, for every second we hold back (when have the desire and ability to do an avaira) we get tremendous reward and kedusha from Shomayim.
This is even if we eventually fall. Of course we will get punished for the fall, but that does not take award the reward and kedusha from the time we held back!

Focusing on this has helped many people start the path to total success.

I am not big enough to not do something I WANT to do because I know it is wrong, but I've been around long enough not to want to do many things, even though they are really enticing at the first glance.
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Re: does pausing help? 12 Sep 2010 03:51 #78175

  • frumfiend
Reb itzel peterburg (talmid of reb yisrael salantar)says a krechts beshaas aveira is metzanain gehenom
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Re: does pausing help? 12 Sep 2010 17:04 #78206

Short answer - yes. Definitely a good thing, on many levels. Firstly, pushing it off for even 10 seconds means being clean for 10 seconds more, and every second is HUGE!

Reb Yeruchum points out by "daled v'hei," that someone stealing a sheep pays less than someone stealing a cow - because the former suffered embarrassment while carrying it. This seems very strange, Reb Yeruchum says - I've seen many butchers in the marketplace carrying sheep, and they don't seem embarrassed at all! We see that even the tiniest amount of discomfort lessens the punishment by a huge amount. Therefore, if someone is doing an aveirah, they should at least not feel comfortable doing it. They should feel bad, etc. And that's what you're doing.

However, I would add something myself. You may think that it's impossible to stop. I know I felt that way for a long time. But it is possible. And you'll feel even better once you get clean.
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Re: does pausing help? 13 Sep 2010 21:34 #78288

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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All of you guys are majorly overdoing it!!!!

What is all this talk about whether pausing 10 seconds helps??

We know that even a 1 second pause is sooo valuable that it was creating the entire universe for the pleasure Hashem gets from that single moment!!!
[quote="Shemiras Einayim Chizuk Email #474]According to Taharat HaKodesh, in the World to Come you will see the glorious Shechinah in the merit of averting your eyes even one time.[/quote]

In our lowly generation, the natural course of things is for us to do the wrong thing, when someone does that, it is no feat, it is 'nothing to write home about', but when someone resists - even for a moment - he is going [b]against[/b] the flow. A dead fish can follow the current, if you see it swimming in the other direction, even if it only swam an inch, it is most definitely alive!

There may be times that that we were not given the 'option' to completely resist, the point of our nisayon is [u]not[/u] whether we will succumb or not. Our nisayon may be that Hashem is testing "HOW LONG DOES TAKE UNTIL WE GIVE IN?!?"

Who says that Hashem counts days/hours/minutes? Hashem values every little thing that we do for Him!!!!
Last Edit: 14 Sep 2010 16:39 by .

Re: does pausing help? 13 Sep 2010 22:44 #78295

  • ur-a-jew
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על חטא שחטאנו לפניך בריצת רגלים להרע

There are (at least) two aspects to any aveira, the actual aveira itself and the enthusiasm we display in performing the aveira.  If we pause and show that nebech we have succumbed to the aveira but we are not enthusiastic about it, obviously that removes one element of the cheit.
Help free Sholom Rubashkin by giving him the zechus of Shemiras Eiynayim.  www.guardyoureyes.org/forum/index.php?topic=2809.0
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