Not14 wrote on 07 Sep 2010 15:47:
How about the following if I can get a good freind to share my secret with, and he will every day and he will check what I went on.
If you are willing to share your addiction with a close friend, you should also consider sharing it with a rebbi. Ultimately, a major factor in getting me to share my addiction with a rebbi and which made a big difference to my life was the realization that I can have a little embarrasment down here in this world or be embarrased in front of everyone for eternity. Put in that perspective the decision comes a lot easier. It is probably helpful to reveal it to someone who is familair with these addictions. I am sure that Guard can probably recommend you someone in your area.
You should also probably contact one of the filter gabbaim to see if there is not a way for them to help you get the filter and/or webchaver put on your iphone.
Ksiva Chasima Tova.