30 days, then on to 90 days. I started this goal to break free and be clean a year ago, and achieved.
Unforuntate, maintaining such a level requires greater focus and determination. For one reason or another, I lost that inner power as a priority, and consequently fell several times. On each occassion, I read tikun klali and tried to express my pain, regret and feeling of being ashamed. In retrospect, despite my efforts and sensitivty in doing this so many times over, there was a part of me that was in denial. Not wanting to accept the fact tact I had slipped up, and re awakened what has been the most important aspect of my life for 7/8 years.
My creative energies was redirected to my business, and in building self confidence a focusing on my every day work, I lost the attention of my priorities. I have particular character traits, such as creativity, love for people and spiritual sensitivities and seek alternative and varied ways of expressing my inner strengths. Ultimately, I have a strong sexual drive that has become increasingly and regularly frustrated as my goal is to marry and build a family.
This heightened sexual desire is actually a symptom of a deep subconscious need, that has still not reached fulfillment for some reason. I have been searching for this meaning all my life, and its upseting me as with strong self awareness I believe I understand my purpose or role in life, and on each occassion where I have accomplished or achieved some form or success or challenge, and despite expressing gratitute, soon after I fall by sexual illusion.
This past month, I have fallen countless times, about 7 in the past week alone. Its has felt like a vivd dream when after falling it is all but a form of memory. The feeling of guilt, pain or embarrasement just hasn't been the same intensity as it has previously (or should). I try to express myself through pray and tears, but feel victim to the yezer hara as I feel no inner power o determination to win the battles that surrounds me. I have the strength to remain positive and stand up again, but at the time of the tests where is my will power to fight and succeed?