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Is this normal?
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TOPIC: Is this normal? 464 Views

Is this normal? 04 Aug 2010 14:33 #75983

  • 14
Hi I just introduced myself befor.
I'm 14 I don't know so much as everyone else over here does, and I don't have anyone to talk to.

Even though everyone is telling me to speak to my parents, this I just can't until I see what people say here.

There are 2 strainge things I noticed recently about myself.
1) sometimes when for example my sister has a freind round I start having like this really strong feelings even like I want to Mary her! Even though I don't know her !
So I love it when she brings home freinds, and whenever I can I hang around with them.
Is this crazy? Is anyone else also like this?

2) I've started hating going to mikva, it's disgusting! To see naked people, and also I'm too embarrassd.

Is anyone else like this? Or am I just different?
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Re: Is this normal? 04 Aug 2010 16:02 #75991

  • installed
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1) sometimes when for example my sister has a freind round I start having like this really strong feelings even like I want to Mary her! Even though I don't know her !
So I love it when she brings home freinds, and whenever I can I hang around with them.
Is this crazy? Is anyone else also like this?

Aren't you from a chasidish home?
It sounds like you have a strong urge perhaps stronger than it was for me at your age but it is not "crazy".

2) I've started hating going to mikva, it's disgusting! To see naked people, and also I'm too embarrassd. Is anyone else like this? Or am I just different?

Hmm... What changed? Why do you all of a sudden feel that this is disgusting? But no, you are not different. Some people are more private than other people.

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Re: Is this normal? 04 Aug 2010 17:47 #75995

  • 14
Yes I am from a casidish family.

And that's why my father always trys to take me away, if my sis has a freind, but I was talking about when my parents aren't there.
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Re: Is this normal? 04 Aug 2010 19:29 #75998

  • jewinpain
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Hi there my friend, I've seen both of ur threads , and I gota say that u won't get any real answers here on this board, I am chasidish too, and we have all been there, done that , so what I suggest u doing, is finding someone to speak this over with, ur parents may not be the right people if u r not tight enough with them, ur situation is different than most of us here, so if u r really looking to be helped, let me know and I will direct u
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Re: Is this normal? 05 Aug 2010 00:00 #76023

  • 14
Who can you direct me to?

Do you think I should forget about asking on the forum?

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Re: Is this normal? 05 Aug 2010 01:32 #76035

  • strugglingandstrivngBT
not to say that this is or is not the place or that will or will not help you, I think youre issues are more normal than not.  This place is more for people who have succumb to our yetzer haras at some point or another and have a true addiction to lust and other unhelathy things.  As long as you dont act on any of your urges you should be fine and G-d willing avoid having to come here.  Just be very careful to trust in Hashem and remove yourself from ANY situation that you feel could POSSIBLY end in an avera, or even a sinful thought (I'd suggest being around your sisters friends counts.)  Do you have a rebbe or mashpia/Mashgiach Ruchani that you could talk to?
may you be successful in avoiding the problems that each of us battle each and every day!
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Re: Is this normal? 05 Aug 2010 10:04 #76048

  • 14
Does masturbating usuly once a day not mean I have a problem?
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Re: Is this normal? 05 Aug 2010 13:53 #76051

  • jewinpain
  • Current streak: 795 days
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Tzadikal! I don't think u should stop asking on this site! I surely know so! U have been told by many experienced guys here to seek real help and I'll say it once more , speak to someone and again my offer is still on
Regarding ur question if there is more boys ur age here, would that help u in any way, this sounds a bit wired to me shayfala, sorry
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Re: Is this normal? 05 Aug 2010 19:07 #76065

  • Shlomo
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14- although i dont like the expression, here's my two cents.

as a fellow teen, i feel obligated to respond to your question. your question is if once a day is a problem? when i first joined this site, i decided to be completely honest with myself and ask myself the important questions. am i doing something that is contrary to the will of Hashem? am i doing something that i myself dont agree with? When i started on here, i decided that i would work to stop p&m.

i have by no means been perfect. to be honest, i was really disappointed with my first fall on GUE. then the second...then the third....etc. but the main thing is progress. if i fell three times in a week, i would try for two the next. but you have to want to make this change. if you dont want to make the change, there's no one that can force you (though i hope you dont feel that way).

you can pm me if you want and hopefully i'll be able to keep up with your thread! Hatzlocha with everything.

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Re: Is this normal? 05 Aug 2010 19:49 #76070

  • 14
Than shlomo, it's comforting to know that I'm not the only one my age over here.
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Re: Is this normal? 05 Aug 2010 22:40 #76080

Hey 14,

In my opinoin, the strong feelings you have for your sister's friends are completely normal and are just the result of you becoming attracted to the opposite sex due to puberty. I was 14 once and I remember what it felt like. You just need to remember that your hormones are rampaging, so you need to be sensible, bc I don't think you really want to marry your sister's friends atm, lol.

I think I read somewhere that you said that you masturbate about once a day. This is something far more serious with terrible consequences if you don't nip it in the bud. I became addicted to masturbation at about the age of 14, and 8 years down the road when I was 21, my life hit rock bottom in every sense as a direct result of my addiction. Had I had the courage and been wise enough to talk openly and honestly about things like masturbation and girls with my mum, I could have saved myself so much unnecessary suffering and achieved so much more. It's easy to be complacent at this age and believe that it's normal bc all your friends are doing it and because it feels good etc. Trust me, it's not normal AT ALL.

I know it's not easy to be sexually disciplined, but you have to bear in mind three things: (a) it's one of the worst sins a man can commit and brings countless curses on his head (b) it very quickly becomes addictive and will then destroy your life in every way, (c) you'll have to work on this area eventually so do it while its easiest, i.e. before you have become totally addicted and have hit rock bottom.

Channel your energy and time into building a strong foundation for you future life as a man. The happiness and satisfaction that you will gain from increasing in knowledge and health will be far greater than the few seconds of pleasure you have from masturbation.

Anyway, I hope you haven't found me long winded.

Ask anytime you want to, I'm more than happy to help if you feel I can.

TC and don't be scared to talk to your parents.


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Re: Is this normal? 06 Aug 2010 01:47 #76085

  • strugglingandstrivngBT
I apologize for what may have seemed like shooing you away.  I didnt realize that you were acting on the urges. welcome friend!
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Re: Is this normal? 06 Aug 2010 02:22 #76087

  • installed
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so do it while its easiest

I don't know about that. I feel that the urge is MUCH stronger during one's teenage years. I'm in my mid 20s and I obviously have an urge but nothing like my early teenage years. It's a difficult one, just try your best!
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Re: Is this normal? 06 Aug 2010 20:28 #76126

Hey Installed,

You have misunderstood me, I apologise if I was confusing. What I meant to say was that it's far easier to gain self-mastery in this area BEFORE one becomes addicted. Also, you have so much more free time when you are a teenager which can be used to do healthy things you like and give you satisfaction. As a guy in my 20s myself, I'll never have the time or opportunities to do the things I could have done had I not wasted years of my life as an addict.

Anyway, as somebody keeps on saying on this forum, that's my 5 cents.


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