I presume we all want to do something to help Sholom Rubashkin (if you don't you may want to consider some ahavas chinam on Tisha B'av). His recent sentence to 27 years imprisonment shows that there is a geziera of 27 years in shomoyim. The question is what we can do about it. First and foremost there is always tefillah. I am sure there is a need for money as well, however, my personal financial situation doesn't allow me to make a meaningful contribution. But what I can contribute is Shimaras Eiynayim. So the idea I thought of is imagine the effect in Shomayim if we as a group got together and contributed 27 years of Shimaras Eiynayim to counteract his 27-year sentence. We know that Haman's 10,000 shekalim were counteracted by Klal Yisroel's 10,000 shekalim. So my proposal is to counteract the 27 year sentence with 27 years of Shimaras Aynayim. 27 years equates into 324 months. If 324 of us got together and agreed that they are contributing the zechus of their Shimaras Eiynayim for the next month as a zechus for Sholom Rubaskin's release, it will have to have a tremendous effect in Shomayim and hopefully it will be a zechus that will result in his quick release down here as well.
You can post your responses here and I will keep a tally of where we are holding.