It's ok. Just don't use your fall as an excuse to keep on acting out. I heard a crazy thing once, I forgot who said it, but that Hashem sometimes causes us to fall just in order to test us on how we will react to it. If we will get up right away or keep on falling. If we get up then we passed, even though we fell. If we keep on falling then we failed. But whatever you do, it's awesome that you are reaching out. Keep reaching out, maybe consider calling people from the GYE phone list. Someone found my name on the list and called me a couple days ago all the way from Texas! It was late at night, his family was out of town, and he really wanted to act out. This disease thrives on isolation, no better way to protect ourselves from falling than by reaching out with a phone call. You see, while posting on the site is awesome and a great way of staying connected, sometimes, when the Yetzer Harrah is really kicking our tuchus, we need to do more, like calling others. You can even call into an SA meeting. I find meetings to be the best way to squash the Yetzer Harrah. The Denver chapter of SA has phone meetings almost around the clock. Just go to for the schedule. Not to brag at all, but I call people, go to meetings, and have a sponsor who I call every day, all in order that I don't isolate. Keep up the good work, you are doing awesome, you almost made it to 90 days! Very inspiring!