I have had K9 installed on my computer for a while and it has really done a good job, but I found that even after checking off the various categories I could still "dig up" some inappropriate pictures through google image search, even though the site itself is blocked. (He is really good, the Y”H!! zaken verogil) I tried blocking images through K9 but that blocked all images including icons on GYE. After a number of attempts I overcame the problem like this: Besides for blocking categories, K9 also has an option to block specific sites. So I just plugged in "google images" and it did the trick without interfering with any other sites.
Later I received from the filter gabbai two other suggestions:
1. enable "force safe search"
www1.k9webprotection.com/aboutk9/product-features 2. use adblock :
www.guardureyes.com/GUE/Filters/blockPics.asp I finish with a Tefila ואל תביאנו ...... לא לידי נסיון