aryehtahor wrote on 07 Jul 2010 17:13:
So my thought is, if she cares enough about converting, she'll do it on her own and if the Rabbis say she's Jewish and sincere, then that's good enough for me and I won't question her commitment. Then I can make a real decision if I can spend my life with her. But now theres too much guilt and too many unknowns to keep doing what we are doing, particularly with all of our weird history that I haven't gone into here.
Conversion is long and often difficult. Reliable Batey Din can shlep the process for years. And if there's a boy involved? Fugetaboutit! They won't do zilch unless the're sure it's not because of the boy. And this is pretty much universal policy. Yeah, maybe if she moves to Israel, never speaks to you for say, the next three years, and you're both still interested, but I mean - chances? I know the Edah requires a min. of one year living like a frum yid before conversion - living with a frum family. Of course, forget about sex. That would be a deal breaker.
I know one Bais Din that makes her swear she won't marry the boy - etc. nasty stuff like that.
Rough you really thinks he'd convert with you as a question mark?