I struggle with regarding Step 3. We made a decision to turn our lives and will over to the care of G-d.
The question is: What does this mean, "to turn our lives, and will over to the care of G-d".
Does this mean that I must now be 100% Tzadik? Do, this, and do that, and fulfill this, and fulfill that? Avoid this, and avoid that? For "ME", this is the very type of avodas Hashem that we have all been trying to do, and........the proof is in the pudding, we have not succeeded. Look we have found ourselves.
This is NOT step #3 that they were referring to. To try to connect to Hashem with heartless, lifeless fulfillment of do's, and dont's will not, and has not enabled us to "turn our lives over to..."
We have all just been acting, and dressing like devout "frum" yidden....ha ha ha.
What does Hashem tell us via the navi, "it is not your zevachim, korbons that I want every time you are oiver,.....your empty korbonos???who needs them! "I want your hearts"!!!!
If we can get by step #3, and completely turn ourselves over to Hashem, i.e. get rid of the "I", "ME", then the true fulfillment of the 613 will most likely come natural.