commando wrote on 28 May 2010 21:57:
I need either some advice or a kick in the butt :-\ .
1) Commando, have you figured out yet which one you're asking for -- advice or kick? (I'm only partly kidding; punishment brings pain that might help when a toddler walks into traffic; advice is a little different. And of course, 'observation' of what others see in our own postings can be the most valuable of all IMO.)
2) Jamie, you may have mis-read slightly an earlier post of mine. I'm not saying that Moshiachzeit (should it come soon!) provides no more challenges. Nope. It ain't nirvana, ain't olam haba. It's just that our challenges are unlikely to be a choice between good and EVIL. Rather (esp in the view of the RambaN, who takes a different approach than the RambaM), our battle will be between doing GOOD and doing NOTHING.
We won't be tempted to view a gorgeous bombshell, but we might be tempted to ignore a needy widow we view crossing our path. We won't be tempted to steal, but we might be tempted to fail to share with others.
But you DID get the basic message right: the scoreboard for overcoming a 'lav' might get frozen once Moshiach comes. So, that's what I mean when I say it's time to get to work. (And yes, I saw that you just posted that you just fell. I won't thread-jack here, but I mean it when I say, fell/shmell/get back to work.)