ZemirosShabbos wrote on 30 May 2010 05:41:
i was just thinking about this topic during krias hatorah this past shabbos (behaloscha). where it says that the bnei yisrael were complaining about the Man, how they missed the fish, cucumbers, onions, watermelons and more that they ate in mitzrayim, and then it says that Moshe say them crying, bocheh le'mishpechosav, and rashi explains that they were crying because of the arayos that became assur to them.
Baruch shekivanti!!!!!
To take it to the next step, i saw an interesting vort that said that what so frustrated Moshe Rabbeinu that he said "please kill me now", was that the people were not being honest with what was really bothering them.
They said that it was about food, when really it was about deeper desires that they were frustrated about.
Still difficult for me...seems like I like kigel because I like kigel because I like kigel .... ;D