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Withdrawal Symptoms
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TOPIC: Withdrawal Symptoms 568 Views

Withdrawal Symptoms 14 May 2010 00:02 #65303

Hello Everyone,
Boruch Hashem I have been clean now for 25 days, taking it one day at a time. I am experiencing a withdrawal symptom and wonder if anyone out there with more experience can help me out. When I wake up in the morning(usually because of a full bladder) I am unable to fall back asleep. My mind is racing racing from one thing to the next, not allowing me to doze back off to sleep. In the days before I was in recovery this was never a problem. I would wake up and be able to go right back off to sleep. I'm not really worrying about anything, it's just my mind is racing. Can you help me?
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Re: Withdrawal Symptoms 14 May 2010 05:10 #65332

It'll probably pass. In the meantime, take simple steps to control it. Try reading a book during these times. Once you stave off the thoughts enough to
focus on the reading, the focusing goes into auto-pilot -you won't have to wrestle it anymore as you will naturally be engrossed in the reading. And don't worry about the need to get sleep; if you're sleepy enough, you'll likely doze off while you read. 
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Re: Withdrawal Symptoms 14 May 2010 16:33 #65400

  • commando612

Being clean or vice-versa has affected my sleep patterns too. I'll guess a few reasons for this:

1) According to one study I've seen, testosterone levels change due to abstinence or the reverse. (I don't know if this is a scientific fact or just a myth; this study was done in some foreign country. Anyone else know any authoritative facts about this ?) The higher your testosterone level the less tired you feel.

2) If I'm feeling elated I sleep less. That elation could be either from being clean and feeling great about it, or from not being clean because I think some brain chemicals are affected by acting out.

3) If I'm feeling depressed I sleep more. That depression could be either from not being clean and feeling like I failed, or sometimes from being clean and not getting what I feel I desperately want.

You mentioned a racing mind - maybe this is a sign that your neuron pathways are changing for the better. See the handbook (tool # 8 ) about this.

Bottom line - if you're waking up earlier than usual and can't fall back sleep, maybe you need less sleep than you used to.
Last Edit: 14 May 2010 16:37 by .

Re: Withdrawal Symptoms 14 May 2010 17:56 #65416

Teshuvahillah- Thanks for your help! Although you have given me good practical advice,you speak about taking steps to CONTROL my sleep loss
In the meantime, take simple steps to control it.
. This perspective I think is slightly flawed. According to what we have been taught, the true way of healing from this disease is by realizing and internalizing that we truly do not have any control, and that the Aibishter is truly in charge. We do indeed have to do our part, and therefore reading a book to focus my mind may be a good idea. Maybe a better way you could have saidit is that I should try different things to see if it helps (doing my part) but control is something I defininitely don't and never will have.Changing this perspective makes all the difference.
Commando - Thanks for the input. I hope it is my brain chemicals changing for the better, and I can really relate to that which you write about the feeling of elation and a increase in testosterone effecting my sleeping patterns. Lately my energy levels are going through the roof, even with a lack of sleep. Than when it comes time to hit the sack I feel extremely exhausted. I wonder if this is how normal people feel?
Have a good Shabbos,
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Re: Withdrawal Symptoms 17 May 2010 09:06 #65775

When I was mired in the addiction, I just couldn't fall asleep at night even though I felt tired, listless and depressed all day.

I read somewhere that masturbation drains your body of a certain chemical that helps you to fall asleep. If you can fall asleep easily now at bedtime, that's a good sign.

Sounds like everything is improving rapidly, so KUTGW!


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Re: Withdrawal Symptoms 17 May 2010 15:29 #65860

Thanks for the input Mr. Lion. hope your not feeling too parched today (get it?, like a parched desert) corny joke.

Sounds like everything is improving rapidly

Boruch Hashem. The rapid changes do make me feel a little nervous, but with the help of Hashem all will be well.

How are you doing yourself desert?
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Re: Withdrawal Symptoms 17 May 2010 15:43 #65863

zalmandovid wrote on 14 May 2010 17:56:

Teshuvahillah- Thanks for your help! Although you have given me good practical advice,you speak about taking steps to CONTROL my sleep loss
In the meantime, take simple steps to control it.
. This perspective I think is slightly flawed. According to what we have been taught, the true way of healing from this disease is by realizing and internalizing that we truly do not have any control, and that the Aibishter is truly in charge. We do indeed have to do our part, and therefore reading a book to focus my mind may be a good idea. Maybe a better way you could have saidit is that I should try different things to see if it helps (doing my part) but control is something I defininitely don't and never will have.Changing this perspective makes all the difference.

I see your point. The intended meaning of my words are more along the lines of those steps we can take to minimize the danger in a situation. It is not an ultimate control that we are taking, but an active role, insomuch as we can, in not giving entryway to what is harmful. From your own explanation, it seems we do understand each other. 
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Re: Withdrawal Symptoms 21 May 2010 03:17 #66085

  • elya k
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 255
The SLAA book has a fantastic chapter on withdrawal.  I think you can download a pamphlet on it from their website at slaafws.org.
Sleep issues are one of the symptoms of withdrawal. They also include:

physical pain
moodiness, anxiety
thoughts of suicide
a stronger desire to go back into your addiction

No one wants to return to withdrawal.  We all experience it initially differently but once you get over it your world
begins to open up and you see yourself and your life from a different sober perspective.  And there is nothing more
rewarding than this.
Elya K was the first  GYE hotline moderator for individuals & couples struggling with Shmiras Eiynaim and betrayal issues in their marriage.  Elya is the author of 6 books, among them Navigating the Phases of Sex Addiction Recovery, Help Her Heal with Carol Sheets,  Ambushed by Betrayal: The Survival Guide for Betrayed Partners on their Heroes’ Journey to Healthy Intimacy with Michele Saffier. 

FREE EBOOK ON THE GYE SITE AT: Mask In the Mirror (guardyoureyes.com)
FREE EBOOK "Resentment to Contentment

Elya K. has been coaching and counseling people worldwide for over 10 years for Shmiras Eiyanim, addiction, betrayal trauma and other issues. 
For a free 15 minute consultation call 901-248-6001.
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Re: Withdrawal Symptoms 23 May 2010 05:11 #66247

Is it possible to be dizzy from lust. I am literally feeling very dizzy. I did have a couple lchaims but that was hours ago. I just hit 30 days so maybe the symptoms are beginning to change. Hub a guttevuch.
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Re: Withdrawal Symptoms 23 May 2010 05:48 #66252

  • commando612
AArree yyoouu sseeiinngg ddoouubbllee ??

;D ;D ;D

Sorry, my humor becomes bizarre around 2 AM.

Yes, there is a common expression "dizzy with lust". So it may be that. Or it may be the couple of lchaims you took hours ago, causing dehydration, so drink water ! Or it may be unrelated to both, because dizziness is a symptom which has many possible causes.

I need to get some sleep now. Feel better !
Last Edit: 23 May 2010 06:25 by .

Re: Withdrawal Symptoms 24 May 2010 06:59 #66367

  • Avreich
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 237
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zalmandovid wrote on 14 May 2010 00:02:

Hello Everyone,
Boruch Hashem I have been clean now for 25 days, taking it one day at a time. I am experiencing a withdrawal symptom and wonder if anyone out there with more experience can help me out. When I wake up in the morning(usually because of a full bladder) I am unable to fall back asleep. My mind is racing racing from one thing to the next, not allowing me to doze back off to sleep. In the days before I was in recovery this was never a problem. I would wake up and be able to go right back off to sleep. I'm not really worrying about anything, it's just my mind is racing. Can you help me?

Here is one more alternative. It may or may not be for you.

There really are various meds, psychoactive, which can help. The problem is to find one that works and has no side effects which would prevent you from taking them. And the cost of seeing a shrink and the medication if your insurance does not cover it. Sometimes regular PCs can prescribe something that helps.

If you want, you can PM me for more on this subject. However, I am reluctant to give any advice without knowing you, and  I am not a professional.

There is a section dealing with this subject on this site.


Last Edit: 24 May 2010 07:17 by .
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