What Post?! lol
Just Kidin
Reb Guard,
You are right, I will try to get work done (I don't think it will last very long, I'm an addict! to this site. I might have to stay off this site for 90 days.

lol) so if you don't see me that much don't worry I'm just working. but I really feel that I must help if I can. I know what I felt like when I am/was in the dumps & I just see it as a huge Zechus to try to help others out if I can.
Besides it gives me a boost as well.
If you think you can't keep up now you better get a lot more help because unfortunately there are so many more Yiden out there that in a matter of time will hopefully find this Heiliger Beacon of Kedusha GYE website & to say that your hands will be full 24X6 is an understatement.