I just saw this news report on a website that promotes cheating on spouses. Its specifically geared towards finding MARRIED people and setting them up so they can have an affair. The CEO gave an interview and he's the biggest scumbag i've ever seen. He was rationalizing making money off of this. Society is one big sex addict and if we want to get into recovery we're going to have swim upstream, against the current. We have to go against the norm! Take any TV show for example (b'h I gave up TV and if you havent yet, you should really consider it). They are all about one guy cheating on someone and they new couple lives happily ever after. Does that happen? Ya, people cheat, but they never live happily ever after! Society has the wron impression from TV and look what it does to them! Divorce rates are on the rise (by the way the CEO of that company claimed he's no worse than a dicorce lawyer making money off divorces).
Just had to vent there about how much I hate the western culture. I am sure this is not just the US....