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Sticky situation
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A platform of recovery for Jews who find themselves struggling with addictions to pornography, masturbation or other sexual problems. Post anonymously about your struggles without fear of anyone finding out who you are. Ask questions, post answers and be inspired! Get tips and guidance from the experts who moderate this forum, as well as from fellow strugglers.
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TOPIC: Sticky situation 565 Views

Sticky situation 10 May 2010 02:23 #64442

  • nowhere to turn
Sholom Aleichem warriors,
          I am a regular 15 yr old yeshiva bochur in a top yeshiva in monsey, but has internet at home. Besides for my own problems with watching my eyes and controlling my hotzoas zera that has been with me for years, i noticed something interesting recently. I have noticed my father, a 55 yr old heimishe guy by the computer late at night. My curiosity got the better of me, and when noone was around, I pressed ctrl H to see history, and found out that my porn problem is inherited from him. I also noticed a secret email address that he has, so i put my hacking skills to work, and got the password from a free keylogging program. What i found was heartbreaking- a bunch of heimishe guys from shul are all a bunch of porn addicts forwarding porn around to each other! So lately i go in and delete all unread inappropriate inbox messages, but i now realize this is just a "moire heter" of my yetzer to do it myself, as my hz"l has been worse lately, so this is no solution for me. How is a 15 yr old yesiva bochur from a good home supposed to deal with this- I cant confront him, and i cant let my mother know about this- she'll divorce him!So before i deal with my own shmiras einayim/bris issues, how do i deal with this without destroying my home?
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Re: Sticky situation 10 May 2010 04:34 #64471

  • strugglingguy
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I will leave the 'professionals' to deal with this one.

(Just an idea: Maybe go on your father's computer and leave this very website on the screen- maybe something will click...)

Hopefully, HKBH will give you and your father the strength to fight off the YH.

-sg (I am here for you...)
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Re: Sticky situation 12 May 2010 14:02 #64919

  • strugglingandstrivngBT
to be honest I'm not familiar enough with your personal lifestyle to give what I would feel is an appropriate answer, but perhaps you could approach your father with your issue with the hopes that his will come out and you could confront them together.  I wouldnt take my advice without someone else who has more experience with yeshivish life's agreement though. 
also be aware that you cant fix your father, you can only fix you.  we each have our own demons, and we can help and support others in fixing, but we cant do it for them.
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Re: Sticky situation 12 May 2010 14:56 #64925

  • yechidah
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tough situation and beyond me to give advice on this one, so even if i do, just consider it an opinion, and nothing else

but I will tell you one thing

I think one of the reasons our yetzer horah is so strong is to teach us humility.

when I hear of someone falling into things that I never have,I have learned never ever to look down at them knowing that I could easily have gone down that path.

Consider the gemarah at the end of kiddushin when tanaim looked down at people stuggling with lust until they were sent the message that it is wrong to do so,and they were put into those situations to be taught never to judge unless you are in thier shoes---- which you never will be.

again,just an opinion,so don't act on it, (unless you ask a professional),you cannot ever tell your mother no matter what.even if she should know(which is another debate) you are not the person to tell.remember this because as a teenager it is possible that there will be times that you will be very angry or upset at your father.

never ever use this as a weapon against him

that would be something you would regret for the rest of your life.

as far as your father is concerned it is a very tough call and it depends on his personality.If it will cause him great shame that you have uncovered this it could backfire and make things worse.what you can do is daven,and work on yourself as much as you can.as the previous post said,and it is absolutely true,you cannot fix your father but you can fix yourself.

and do not be concerned much about genetic disposition (read the article I just posted in the yechida section)

it's shocking for you to learn that this problem is very widespread but you will see that this is a big berachah.It gives you a strong idea about the underlying issues that are facing Klall Yisroel and you now CAN TAKES REAL STEPS TO PROTECT YOURSELF AND YOUR FUTURE FAMILY FROM THESE TERRIBLE THINGS.

start davening for your zivvug now,every day,three times a day,it is never to early.

and now you have about a 6 year goal,to pull yourself out, with the help of this site and the handbook tools, and do some serious tefillah and you will marry a wonderful girl and live a full and good life free of these harmful things

always keep this in mind

this will be hard work

but well worth it

you have so much to look foward to.


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