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What Did You Do On Your 'Summer Vacation' (from GYE)
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TOPIC: What Did You Do On Your 'Summer Vacation' (from GYE) 605 Views

What Did You Do On Your 'Summer Vacation' (from GYE) 05 May 2010 15:23 #63910

  • briut
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Kol HaKavod to Guard and his Brigade for getting the Forum back up, better than ever. (Gee, could the Forum's virus possibly be called a se*ually-transmitted disease?)  :-}

What did the lost forum mean to you?

>Did you slip?

>Did you fall, Ch'V (i.e., G-d forbid)?

> Did you write down some notes you think you might post now that it's 'up'?

> Did you 'miss' the posts of others?

Please share some thoughts on any topic similar to these questions. Thanks!

- Briut
Last Edit: 05 May 2010 15:25 by .

Re: What Did You Do On Your 'Summer Vacation' (from GYE) 05 May 2010 15:28 #63911

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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When GYE's Forum was down for a few days, and I was back at my starting point! Nothing changed! I realize now that I am not healed/recovered/sober/rehabilitated or any other terms which you may find in a thesaurus. Only, the time that I would have spent searching for ___ was spent on GYE's forum instead.  :-[

If not for my computer's filter, who knows where I would've accessed?
Last Edit: 05 May 2010 16:28 by .

Re: What Did You Do On Your 'Summer Vacation' (from GYE) 05 May 2010 15:37 #63914

  • the.guard
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Yosef Hatzadik wrote on 05 May 2010 15:28:

When GYE's Forum was down for a few days, and I was back at my starting point! Nothing changed! I realize now that I am not healed/recovered/sober/rehabilitated or any other terms which you may find in a thesaurus. Only, the time that I would have spent searching for ___ was spent on GYE's forum instead.  :-[

And as a result of that, you are getting yourself into a much more serious program of recovery!! Gam Zu LeTovah!

After all, it took getting Yosef Hatzadik into a pit - for him to become RULER OF MITZRAYIM!
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
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Re: What Did You Do On Your 'Summer Vacation' (from GYE) 05 May 2010 16:18 #63928

  • Chazak Amenu
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Dido what Yosef said.  :'( i felt quite alone and unable to call for help accept that i was able to talk with DovInIsrael for a little while but it was unrelated to my fall it was a day before i think. but i am standing again!
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Re: What Did You Do On Your 'Summer Vacation' (from GYE) 05 May 2010 21:33 #64017

  • bardichev
I actually got some work done

Keep on trucking
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Re: What Did You Do On Your 'Summer Vacation' (from GYE) 05 May 2010 23:39 #64043

  • Cleareyes613
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With no GYE I had a much harder time keeping away from stam internet browsing.
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Re: What Did You Do On Your 'Summer Vacation' (from GYE) 06 May 2010 08:01 #64085

  • WeWillWalk
I must say that,thank G-d,the vacation worked out well I was planning on writing some insights that I made before the forum went down; it's not a big problem,now I've had time also to think about how I'll write those insights.

Almost 2 weeks ago I went on a trip together with my class mates for study purposes. We were out almost all day walking and sighseeing; came home dead tired. Yes,we had Internet access,but since all I was thinking of was to put some new,clean clothes on and go to sleep for an hour or two,I just sat myself to the computer to check my mail and messages and that was enough. And it felt really good,to just walk away because I didn't have anything else to do on the computer other than check my messages and write some replies.
Also,being with my mates almost all the time,it gave me a taste of real connection to people. I liked it. Really much,so much,that when I was back home again,in front of my computer,I was missing that connection an awful lot.
I remember when walking around in a neighborhood,one of us realized that the area we were walking through was a bit dubious and pointed it out to me. I said "Wow,really? I didn't even think about it. If you wouldn't have told me,I would just have walked past here without even thinking about it." Back home,I wondered,why wouldn't I have noticed? I don't have an answer. I think that I was so busy with the excitement of seeing a new place,with being with my mates...my heart was full and occupied and there just wasn't any other space available. I remember this shiur by Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen,saying that when the heart is busy than the eyes stop seeing,because the eyes are connected to the heart.

I'm not sure if I'm right or not. I just want to share this with you. That I'll try to find new projects and things to do and to get out and meet with people. To connect for real with Hashem and this wonderful world He has given us.

All the best to you guys,you are the best
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