ok - its been a long time, and you did great up until now.
but in case you forgot what to expect... get ready for 3 days of irritability..anger, guilt, lethargy, haze, etc.
not fun! but normal.
what did yosefs brother do after after their avera - they also sat and ate.
when we eat from the fruit of averiahs - eventually our body catches up to us, and DEMANDS something else to eat...
ok - so how to prevent this from happening again. I would beg to differ that it was the magazine site that brought you down. The fall semmingly started before that.
you said:
I was looking up reviews on some basketball sneakers i was really excited about
our bodies, like our minds also have a "memory".
the basketball sneakers seemingly threw you into a state of EXCITMENT... the body said, "WOW, I'm EXCITED", the mind says, "excited?!? Hmmm... I know exactly HOW to really get excited...but we'll need some images...lets go surfing and find what we are looking for!
There is a reason the internet is called the WEB.
It is designed to TRAP you!
just like a spider traps other bugs and insects in her web - and then wraps them tight and sucks the life out of them..that is the internet.
In my opinion - a person who wants to find p** can easily do so - we all know that. but what most people dont realize is that if they are NOT looking for p*** they are within 7 clicks of finding it.
- searching for something, HERE, try THIS!!
- angry...punch the monkey, and then check this out...
the main difference between this fall and all the rest - is that this time you are not alone.
you fall - we fall with you!
but we are also here to pick you up, too
dov in israel