I found something unbelievable.
The noda beyehuda(If you want to know where PM me) has a shala about someone who in his words is a talmid chacham gadol, Anshai hashem(respected people) yesh lo banim Chashuvim batorah umasmid gadol batorah niflah bihas,madasi yomam vlaylo doesn't talk devorim btalim and doesn't sleep in a bed. Guess what happened to him? Internet chat histaclus mzl?
Aishes Ish three years straight .
The Noda Beyehuda writes ashray lo shetorasi amda lo shlo lshkoa betuma(His tora saved him from sinking into tuma)
The noda beyehuda prescribes him there a seder hateshuva
Guys we are not the first to go through this
Shenizke lteshuva shelaima