back to the normal reporting....
this evening I was really stressed, there was lots going on and all the issues were at dead ends, stuff was piling up. A couple of months ago, I would've turned to lust. It would've got my mind off everything and made me feel better whilst I was chasing whatever it is I chased. I would feel like I was accomlishing something and at least I was getting there with something.
bH I didn't tonight, for a second I thought, in the past, I would've gone after lust now but I'm not gonna do that, so what do I do instead? How do I distract myself from the stress and despair buliding up inside of me? what's the alternative? but then I sat back, took a few deep breaths and said, 'H'shm, help me through this, I know you'll make it right when it's time', and then I felt a lot better. I'm seeing that stress also leads to lust as a way out for me, and I've gotta remember that I have H'shm with me for that too, otherwise the lust will creep in through the back door before I know it...
Thanks for listening!