an honest mouse wrote on 09 Nov 2010 14:27:
One thing which this has reaffirmed is that im TOTALLY powerless over lust, TOTALLY allergic to it. I cant go down that route because i WILL lose control and it WILL make my life unmanagable, not my whole life, but major parts of it and thats bad enough.
And I'd like to add that if you recognize that you are indeed without any power to use and control this - that you lost and cannot beat this enemy - then I hope you also consider the possibility that Taphsic, or not; level 5, 10, or whatever; 90 days or ten years - whatever it is - it will not give you that power back. I cannot even count how many people I have met who get better because of recovery and Chazal concepts, only to come to the stupid conclusion that they are somehow better now that they have had 90 days, for example. I do not get stronger. Ever. The entire 'milestone' thing makes me ill. What milestone? OK, we need a pat on the back....mazel tov, but if that 'chizzuk' is the 'finger in the dam', then I am moving to higher ground!
As far as I am concerned, once the fight is over, it's over. We never come to the level that we can pick up those gloves again. Therefore I see no value whatever in any levels, counting, or whatever. Period. Just in today's sobriety by Hashem's shocking Chessed (Grace), that is allowed into my life by my surrender.