im not doing that great to tell you the truth. I have had 6 falls in the last 7 days and i am feeling very vulnerable, stressed and uncomfortable because ive just started a new job. i also haven't been concetrating on recovery because i did that best when my wife and kids were out of the house during the day, but im at work at that time now.
bekitsur, the cheese is what is in focus now, not the trap. In other words im living in the problem, not the solution as the 12 steps advises. I hope to have my 5th step conversation in the next few days which should shove me back into shape.
i did have an a&w moment today though in mariv, the tefillah for parnoso, the pasuk comes from tehilim 55: 'Hashleich el Hashem y'hovcho, vehoo yechalkelecho' 'through upon Hashem your burden and He will susatin you'. Steps 2 & 3, perhaps that was a sign of what i need to focus on, that posuk is for sure lacking with me, and that is what will help.