You said good!
crackerjak. B"H you ARE well on the way, because as you know, the harder we fall...the HIGHER we bounce. This is cause and affect. The harder you throw the ball to the ground, the HIGHER it will go up. Many many tzaddikim, as a result of their falls, rose to their highest heights. I have read their stories.
I have seen over and over again how we NEED to that we can use it as the catalyst to rise. Now of course, the yetzer is here with you and your fallings and he does NOT want you to utilize it for your good, so he boggles and confuses your mind and tries to do the final Knock out.
Crackerjak. I may be wrong but it could be that in this fall, like most falls, the yetzer is telling you, "you have already fallen so much, look at what "you" have done to yourself. Everything, absolutely everything you have gained over the past few weeks, all of your tshuva, and is all lost. Why should you stop now in the midst of this fall. You know that if you stop you will only fall again. You know that you don't have the control to fight me. So, you might as well give in now and call it quits."
Here was my answer to his advice: (btw, chazal say to get angry at your yetzer harah, and you know that he has several different names that chazal call him , and it is good for us to call him all of these names that fit him,i.e Rasha, menuval, meshukatz, zaken, etc. So, in the midst of my fall I would scream these befitting names to this meshuketz creation. And, then when he told me, " know that if you get up, I am only going to knock you down again. What's the use. Why are you wasting your time? All of your tshuva is going to be wasted again and again." Suddenly the ribbono shel olam gave me daas, and what was it? We all know that at sometime, the Mashiach is going to come. We don't know when. It is to be suddenly and without any warning. Unfortunetly not all of us will merit to be here for his coming. There is to be a cleansing, a "Birur" before he comes. We want to be with one's who WILL be here to great the Moshiach.
I came to the conclusion that if I do tshuvah now, even in the middle of my fall, I catch myself, and start the climb upwards, (even knowing that there is a good chance that I will fall again, none the less, this is considered tshuvah. So, maybe when the Moshiach does come, I wll I"YH be on one of my upward climbs and be spared. The yetzer does not want us to think of this. He tells us to throw in the towel, why are you wasting your time? So, even if/when I do fall, it IS still worth it for me to turn around asap. It is NOT a contradiction as HE makes it appear. It is NOT a wasted effort.
To back this up I will quote the Maharal M'Prague in kenness yisroel.
He says that there are alot of people who do NOT want the Moshiach to come. Why. For this reason. They are frightened that they haven't as of yet done their tshuvah and tikkunim and therefore will perish in the birur(the heavenly cleansing before his arrival). They are not ready, and are therefore frightened that he will come now, when we are not prepared.
The Maharal says: Don't worry! You do not have to have finished your tshuvah to greet the Moshiach. You only have to have begun the process, i.e be on the upward climb, even though you are presently on a low level. He compares this to an Eruv Tavshilin. What is an Eruv Tavshilin. If we start to cook now...then via the eruv tavshilin we can continue to prepare for Shabbos. If you don't begin the preparation now, then you won't have anything, but if you DO begin now,(not neccessarily complete) only begin to cook now, (begin your tshuvah-your upward climb), then you WILL have what to eat for Shabbos,(you will merit to great the Moshiach). This is the secret that Mr. Yetzer HaMenuvil does NOT want you to know. So, you see, no matter how low you are now, and even if you will fall again, and again, (hopefully less and less frequently), then the chances are that you will be on the upswing when the Moshiach comes.
We should all be zocheh!!!