I'm so scared of what will happen if I can't beat this. I want to like myself. I want to think that I'm capable of having a decent marriage if and when it happens. I'm tired. Too tired to figure out if I should join a phone conference, get a sponsor, do 12 steps, be part of an accountability group, get another filter, work on not looking at women, learn halachos, all of the above, none of the above...(sigh) I just don't know anymore.
Yes, to all of these things. When someone asks how soon will I get better, the answer is "how soon will you begin working the steps." PERIOD. You must get out of isolation and into groups or talk to people one on one. Yes you should join a phone conference, get a sponsor, do the steps, accountability group, etc. If you want to get past 2 days, stay off the computer for 2 weeks. If you don't need your computer for work, stay off of it. Unplug it, throw it out the window, do something to show you are willing to get better. After two weeks, after Pesach, you'll be able to get back on, with a good filter, once you begin working the steps and staying in a group of people to support you.