First I THINK I heard someone mention a swimming pool...
DaLaLaLa summer's 8) coming (or spring 8) or what ever 8).....)
Briut wow you're really out there to protect our little bro's
wish I had a big bro like you.... ;D
Second I never knew that 10 min. under a shower works?
Are you sure?
Also what about the begodim and stuff :-[?
and Shemirateinaim... NO SEFORIM... YOU...?
Where do you get all your Torah form...?
Na, you probably know all those seforim by heart....
Yosef Hatzadik...: I like that 2 dinim thing....
Been a long time since I learned a shtickle Brisker Rov...
Keep the discussion going guys....
See ya...
Peace and Love
I am in a real posting mood...
Bare with me...