YES, but if one is not holding on your darga, in your exemplary darga of midas heyasod---- He's a dead man!
There are two times that the mechtizos come-down. SImchas Torah and Purim. On purim the women can sometimes be drunk too!! SO for a bachur, this is not a good scenario. His reservations are dulled by the alcohol, and her tnius reservations are dulled by alcohol. ANd zugt the gemara sukah!!
החליל פרס חמישי סוכה נב.
וספדה הארץ משפחות משפחות לבד
משפחת בית דוד לבד ונשיהם לבד אמרו
והלא דברים ק"ו ומה לעתיד לבא שעוסקין
בהספד ואין יצר הרע שולט בהם אמרה
תורה אנשים לבד ונשים לבד עכשיו שעסוקין
בשמחה ויצה"ר שולט בהם על אחת כמה
.................................. וכמה
וספדה הארץ. בנבואת זכריה ומתנבא לעתיד שיספדו על משיח בן יוסף שנהרג במלחמת גוג ומגוג וכתיב משפחת בית דוד לבד ונשיהם לבד שאפי' בשעת הצער צריך להבדיל אנשים מנשים:
שעסוקין בהספד. באותה שעה והמצטער אינו מיקל ראשו מהר ועוד שאין יצר הרע שולט כדקאמר קרא והסירותי את לב האבן ולקמן אמר שהקב"ה שוחטו כו' אמרה תורה כו':
כאן שעסוקין בשמחה. וקרובה לקלות ראש ועוד שיצה"ר שולט עכשיו לא כל שכן:
Learn it well, in preparation for battle. I have done this for 4 years already. The first year i visualised a pillar of flames, standing before the ever changing crowd of girls/women watching me and the drunk people. Oh and I spent the yomtov in a house with 3 girls around my age....and I still didin't look
2nd Purim being shomer einayim. Collected by night, learnt alot during the day, and BH there was very little of a female turn-out, but I once again stayed at the same house (without looking at them at all).
3rd purim, missed much of the seudah collecting, but when I did show-up, I had my wine, danced away my sobriedty, and closed my eyes every single time my face looked in the women's direction. Oh yeh and they where gathering at both ends of the living room. (Sometimes I played drunk and looked at "shsmayim", or danced with my eyes totaly shut). I was sober enough to help the women clean the place up, without looking at them once (I didn't even know what they looked like anymore). {and my costume helped a ton!}
4th purim. Helped the "ezras nashim" get the kitchen up and running. I spent mybe 2 hours in there, and I had to repeatedly talk to the rebetzin (not related to 7up) and her daughters. Didn't look even once at any of them. I just stared at the walls, floor, and what I was doing at the moment. And shikur as I got, I only used my shikrus to totaly face the wall when talking with women, and to totally shut my eyes from any girls even young ones.
5th purim haba alainu letovah, I will be staying by a family with grown daugters. I don't know how many or how old, and it would be nice to leave saying that I never found out!!! The key to shmiras einayim, amailus, yegiah, a bit of gehenom, and above all SEYATA DISHAMAYA