Hey Guys,
I just fell today and it wasn't because of porn, lust or R.I.D. It was simply overconfidence mixed with curiosity and carelessness. I won't go into explicit details, but suffice it to say that my fall could have been avoided and really should not have happened. I had been clean for 50 days exactly.
The trouble is that after about a month or so clean, I start becoming complacent, and although I still regularly review my fences, they start becoming more like words on a paper rather than evoking the respect that they merit.
I begin to think, ahh, a bit of this won't hurt, you can control it, you're not really doing anything that bad anyway. I feel a bit ashamed to admit my fall, especially after all the great chizuk you guys gave me. It seems as if the YH will first try and make you sin in open battle with the big guns of lust, porn etc, but if that fails he resorts to dirty guerilla tactics and shoots from the shadows with curiosity and more subtle tactics.
I find the only way to stay clean is to renew the battle everyday. Somehow, I have to treat each new day like I fell yesterday, so my level of moral tension will always be high. The trouble is remembering this and SERIOUSLY doing it.
Anyway, thanks for listening guys and TC.
Keep on trucking and KUTGW,