On September 8, 2009 (20 Elul, 5769), the Baltimore community had a Kinus Hisorarus (communal gathering) for men on the topic of Tznius.
The Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Aharon Feldman, Shlita, was the first speaker, and set the tone for the entire evening. Although the Rosh Yeshiva did not directly address pornography or the Internet, it's not difficult to apply much of what he said to the challenges we face.
Especially on point is what the Rosh Yeshiva said near the end, about how breaches in Tznius (men being attracted to other women, and women trying to attract other men) have a profound effect on our Shalom Bayis.
The Rosh Yeshiva's speech is just under 20 minutes, and can be downloaded