i just wanted to know exactly the gdorim of this issur, besides the problem of ולא תתורו
(hirhur).And is the case of er veonan (yehuda's children) a reference?(it might be slightly different since they did it on purpose not to make tamar pregnant).
i m only asking cause i strongly think one cannot struggle with this matter while not knowing exactly what s wrong with it.( i mean lefi hahalocho)
thanx for the replies on my previous post, it gave me a lot of chizuk.
But I d like to tell you a little more about myself ( answering silentbattle's request).
i have always been viewed as a erliche yid. i never fell in that pit until last year while following secular studies. At that moment, i was alone, away from my family and needed an internet access for my studies which required a lot of time and were very stressful.
The first time i fell, my whole body was trembling as if a stranger was entering it.
I immediatly thought it was connected to my studies(i couldn't learn anymore after several years in yeshiva gegolah).But I couldn t do anything to avoid it and didn t have enough time, even for a heshbon hanefesh!
Currently, i m learning in university, away from my dear friends and my family. I often feel very depressed because of my loneliness.I now understand very well the posuk:
לתאוה יבקש נפרד
I tried a tons of times to do tshuva and never did better than 2 weeks clean(thanks to gye
last month). I begg rachmonus from Hkb"H, may I return to his heliger torah !!!!!
thanks everybody for your precious help!