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Letting Go of Pride
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TOPIC: Letting Go of Pride 725 Views

Letting Go of Pride 04 Feb 2010 15:24 #51166

  • Yosef

B"H today in day number 76. But, as Dov says, how can I make the days count and not just count the days.

Well, the way that I hope to make today count is to go easier on myself and not punish myself with thoughts about all the things that I usually harass myself with, for example, this week I was suddenly was triggered and within seconds the predator within me wanted to act out.At the time, I imagine it goes like this in my unconscious mind: "you stupid idiot (I'm using even kinder loshonos) what's wrong with you. How dare you lust after that girl. You must still be that low person that you have always been. You are a hypnocrite for attending SA meetings - how could this be happening again!

Dov suggested using 12-step principles (taking a 4th step inventory) to help me understand what was beneath the harsh way that I was treating myself after this incident. Because if I would continue to berate myself after every such incident I would probably not be able to stay sober and I certainly could never be happy. The inventory revealed that Pride more than anything else was the culprit. "How could this be happening to me, again" was the thought that revealed my overinflated pride at work. In other words, I am better or should be better than this behavior and deserve to be punished for it.

My thinking that I "should" be better than this behavior is a very subtle but dangerous emotional trap for me. It is actually a very clever trick from the Yetzer, who would like me to think that punishing myself for lusting makes me more of a frum guy. The reason that this type of thinking is deadly for me is because it is a denial of who I am: an addict. That means that no matter what "I think" my body is still sick and when it sees something and gets triggered it just wants to do (your)its thing. Thats just the way it is.  I need to accept this before I can fight my way out of it. It needs to become "ok" for me to be who I am in order to sympathize with myself. So, for me, if this C"V happens again a better approach would be to think "ok, there's that silly illness of mine rearing his head again. Thank you G-d for reminding me that I cannot go through this alone. At that point I would need to make some calls and get the support that I need to stay sober for another day. My pride that tells me that I'm not as good as the "regualr" guy who is not addicted needs to be surrendered to the truth which is I"m not a regualr guy. If I can accept that then I have a chance at a good life. I heard a Magid Shir say a similar thing last night at an SA meeting. He said that he used to beat himself constantly for being a sex addict.. But now he feels that it is almost a good thing because it keeps him working on himself to become a better person - something he said, he was not dong untill he found the program and started to come to meetings. Re Pinchas Koretizer was know to say the following words more than 100 times per day if necessary; I have started to use it myself: Ribono Shel Oylam  [please] nachano bderech haemes. Please lead/guide me along (your) path of of Truth.

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Re: Letting Go of Pride 04 Feb 2010 16:21 #51179

  • sturggle
  • Gold Boarder
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beautiful Yosef. thanks for sharing with us your thoughts and feelings.
i can definitely learn from some if not all of what you wrote.

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Re: Letting Go of Pride 04 Feb 2010 20:39 #51232

  • sci1977
  • Current streak: 439 days
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Keep up the good work!!!
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