Dear Mother,
I remember putting my mum through hell when I finally told her about my problems a few years ago. Looking back, it was a blessing in disguise because I know that I couldn't have made it out of that hell on earth alone.
In retrospect, I wish my mother had caught me in the act or had at least suspected me years before I told her myself. When I finally confessed, it was only because I had hit rock bottom and my position seemed totally hopeless. For a long time, I even wanted to commit suicide to escape my suffering.
The fact that you know that you know your son needs help and has problems is a cause for hope. Especially since he has not hit rock bottom. The great amount of pain that you both feel now may be better than unbearable suffering further down the line.
It wasn't long ago that I was a teenager and I remember that one of the main reasons that I 'acted out' was because I was looking for an esacpe from the boredom of everyday life. Perhaps your son is feeling a deep spiritual void inside himself, similar to what I used to feel. It is easy to say now, but had I found healthy outlets for my energy like sport, music, reading and good friends, I am certain I would have been satisfied with life and would not have needed a temporary fix for my problems.
Also, I know that had I truly known the consequences of my actions, then I would never have started out on the road that I did. Maybe reading some of the stories on the website that GUE suggested would help your son realise what he is doing to himself.
Oh and GUE once sent me this video link: It's about a man who used to 'act out' and live a so-called 'normal life', who died but was then revived. Your son may find it interesting.
Take care and best wishes to both you and your son.