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Your Chiyuv to spread the word!! Everyone can do it- you included
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A platform of recovery for Jews who find themselves struggling with addictions to pornography, masturbation or other sexual problems. Post anonymously about your struggles without fear of anyone finding out who you are. Ask questions, post answers and be inspired! Get tips and guidance from the experts who moderate this forum, as well as from fellow strugglers.

TOPIC: Your Chiyuv to spread the word!! Everyone can do it- you included 2996 Views

Re: Your Chiyuv to spread the word!! Everyone can do it- you included 10 Feb 2010 14:38 #52454

  • shemirateinayim
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I'm in Chul, but I dream of coming back. Mybe after my current business is over, mybe. but I will probably hang around.... Mybe I can live there if things allow.  Yknow I do have a fluent hebrew, and without the american accent.

Yes I did, and I would love to hang-up the new haskamos! But I am sadly not there.  

I never claimed to be -there-, just to have hung-up a sign.  Yknow, people do get-around alittle in EY. -edited-.
Last Edit: 11 Feb 2010 00:18 by .

Re: Your Chiyuv to spread the word!! Everyone can do it- you included 11 Feb 2010 02:11 #52629

  • shemirateinayim
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In light of my recent boredom, I have re-taken to freelance PR on behalf of GYE.  I found a list with every single Young Israel in America. But I need some help to do this.  I gotta google each one, and click "contact us" to find the rabbis's email.  I know they may not be reading mishpacha, but since it is about to become a 'hot issue' in the jewish world (thanks Kedusha)... the tip-off may enable him to direct people to us. Or even make a sermon/speak/oration about it! 

The list is here http://www.youngisrael.org/content/youngisraelsynagogueslist.cfm

simply google the name, and find the email.  Then send it with this email http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AQMOX_qnRbp9ZGRxM3RzbXNfMTFjMzZjdnRkMg&hl=en.  And make sure to add this document as an atatchment http://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0BwMOX_qnRbp9MGFkOTM5MzctNzk2Ny00NmE4LTk5ZDQtMDRhZDgxYjhlMDBi&hl=en
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Re: Your Chiyuv to spread the word!! Everyone can do it- you included 12 Feb 2010 15:48 #52918

  • shemirateinayim
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Ok I found an easy and free way for us to spread the word, I did EVERYTHING I could about it, and google won't let me do any more.  It works like this, think of search terms that an addict may be using, to find help of course  , and scroll to the bottom of the page.

You will see this
                               G O O O O O O O O OGLE
                                1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next

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Now click on the "Add a result option", and type in www.guardyoureyes.org click preveiw, and click add.
Now do the same with these 2 urls:   www.guardureyes.com  

I did it to a bunch of searches, including "mishpacha internet" and "philip rosenthal" "GYE program" "internet addiction" internet addiction jewish"  "internet filter" and a few combonations of simmilar terms and the word p____ .    

The more accurate one's search for help. The better is google and the better is GYE.
Ashrei chelki for having the zchus of listing these three links to the search for "GYE program" and "mishpacha magazine"   . he he he now their coverstory gets "full coverage"
Last Edit: 12 Feb 2010 17:19 by .

Re: Your Chiyuv to spread the word!! Everyone can do it- you included 12 Feb 2010 20:30 #52961

  • Holy Yid
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I would be glad to help with this but I worry about triggering myself with such searches
זכרני נא, זכרני נא, וחזקני נא אך הפעם הזה, הפעם הזה, האלקים, ואנקמה נקם אחת משתי עיני, מפלשתים
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Re: Your Chiyuv to spread the word!! Everyone can do it- you included 12 Feb 2010 20:32 #52962

  • Holy Yid
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Also is there can we add tags to the GYE site so it will come up when people are looking for shmutz?
זכרני נא, זכרני נא, וחזקני נא אך הפעם הזה, הפעם הזה, האלקים, ואנקמה נקם אחת משתי עיני, מפלשתים
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Re: Your Chiyuv to spread the word!! Everyone can do it- you included 14 Feb 2010 03:10 #53047

  • shemirateinayim
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I am sure we can, but it may hurt our credibility as a legit site. So how about we create a site with tags, to everything in our K9 browsers, and then that site will transfer you to GYE!!!  B"H my computer skills are outdated, so we need someone techy to help.  Who's good at this kinda stuffs?
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Re: Your Chiyuv to spread the word!! Everyone can do it- you included 19 Feb 2010 20:12 #54407

  • shemirateinayim
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sHeMiRaTeInAyIm wrote on 12 Feb 2010 15:48:

Ok I found an easy and free way for us to spread the word, I did EVERYTHING I could about it, and google won't let me do any more.  It works like this, think of search terms that an addict may be using, to find help of course  , and scroll to the bottom of the page.

You will see this
                               G O O O O O O O O OGLE
                                1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next

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Now click on the "Add a result option", and type in www.guardyoureyes.org click preveiw, and click add.
Now do the same with these 2 urls:   www.guardureyes.com  

Please add it to "internet addiction jewish" and other variations of "internet addiction" . We are sadly all the way on the 2nd page!! We need to be at the top of the 1st page!

Additionaly, please get into the habbit-if you have google as a homepage, or part of your toolbar- to search for the forum and site every time you want to visit. By doing so you are essentialy signing a petition, that shows google peaople care about our site.  Knowing th egadlus of google, I assume they also take into account your location (which every website receives whenever you open the internet). SO we need EVERYONE    EVERYWHERE to be helping with this!
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Re: Your Chiyuv to spread the word!! Everyone can do it- you included 22 Feb 2010 23:23 #54872

  • shemirateinayim
WoW kedusha you will be rpoud of me. While on the phone with the Principal of a respected and well known yeshiva (highschool + beisMEdrash). I mentioned to him this website, in addition to our filters page. Specificly it interested him if there was any way to block the internet (or at least a few websites) on the Itouch.  He was thrilled when I searched the forum to find the link, and gave him detailed instructions how to do it.      Apparently this is a battle long lost in the cronocles of cyber-age chinuch. But B"H he can finnaly return all the temporarily confiscated contriband, without fear of "aiding and abbeting" his talmidim's 'p------- addiction'.

I am schedualed to check-in with him in 2 weeks, and he has my number in-case I forget. I hope to take the oppertunity to impress upon him the importance of this rpogram, in addition to emailing him our haskamos, handbooks, lighthourse, and urls.

And although he now has my name, number, and affiliation to GYE, the only feeling I have is....exhiliration. I have not a single feeling of shame or embarrasment (the call was in reffrence to one of his talmidim, he never heard of me until now).
Last Edit: 23 Feb 2010 01:47 by .

Re: Your Chiyuv to spread the word!! Everyone can do it- you included 23 Feb 2010 15:17 #54966

  • kedusha
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-?- wrote on 22 Feb 2010 23:23:

WoW kedusha you will be rpoud of me. While on the phone with the Principal of a respected and well known yeshiva (highschool + beisMEdrash). I mentioned to him this website, in addition to our filters page. Specificly it interested him if there was any way to block the internet (or at least a few websites) on the Itouch.  He was thrilled when I searched the forum to find the link, and gave him detailed instructions how to do it.      Apparently this is a battle long lost in the cronocles of cyber-age chinuch. But B"H he can finnaly return all the temporarily confiscated contriband, without fear of "aiding and abbeting" his talmidim's 'p------- addiction'.

I am schedualed to check-in with him in 2 weeks, and he has my number in-case I forget. I hope to take the oppertunity to impress upon him the importance of this rpogram, in addition to emailing him our haskamos, handbooks, lighthourse, and urls.

And although he now has my name, number, and affiliation to GYE, the only feeling I have is....exhiliration. I have not a single feeling of shame or embarrasment (the call was in reffrence to one of his talmidim, he never heard of me until now).

Tremendous!  Anonymity is worthless if it gets in the way of these types of accomplishments!
Just as an alcoholic needs to avoid that first sip, a lust addict needs to avoid that first slip.Slip today? No way! ;)Fall today? No way, Jose'!
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Re: Your Chiyuv to spread the word!! Everyone can do it- you included 23 Feb 2010 15:29 #54967

  • shemirateinayim
I was discussing a talmid of his (and close freind of mine), and when mentioning that this talmid needs help with his p--- addiction, and his iTouch to be internet free, I took the liberty to credit this site. Naturaly it sounded weird like "hey rabbi you gotta see this website!". But after I brought messianic aid to his fight agains Iphone p---, he was so exited that he actualy wrote down 'guardyoureyes.org'.    I will get to push my point in insisting this talmid is helped based on the 12 steps, and handbooks, when we talk next in 2 weeks.

But once I mentioned the site, I was proud, for some crazy reason, to add that I em very invovled in the site, and we just got 2 haskmos from these gedolim, and R twesky has a policy of NEVER writing haskamos.... and this "program" greatly helped me get over "my issues".....I don't know why?

It was all over the phone, but I was so exhilirated with the benefit of the conversation for the talmid in question, that I frankly didn't pay any attention to whatever embarrasament this may have caused me. Who cares, plus it was a phone conversation, and I have no shaychus to that yeshiva.
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Re: Your Chiyuv to spread the word!! Everyone can do it- you included 24 Feb 2010 06:53 #55105

  • Holy Yid
  • Current streak: 92 days
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זכרני נא, זכרני נא, וחזקני נא אך הפעם הזה, הפעם הזה, האלקים, ואנקמה נקם אחת משתי עיני, מפלשתים
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Re: Your Chiyuv to spread the word!! Everyone can do it- you included 24 Feb 2010 11:51 #55142

  • imtrying25
  • Current streak: 16 days
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SE!!! Gotta give credit where credit is due!!! 100 points for se!!! Keep it up!! When are you leaving?? Were gonna miss you! :-\
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Re: Your Chiyuv to spread the word!! Everyone can do it- you included 24 Feb 2010 18:17 #55236

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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shemirateinayim wrote on 22 Feb 2010 23:23:

While on the phone with the Principal of a respected and well known yeshiva (highschool + beisMEdrash). I mentioned to him this website........ 

The merit of all those that will IY"H be helped through him is to YOUR credit! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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