I just sent an email to Aish.co requesring them to post this site, at the bottom of every article dealing with internet addiction. Someone else beat me to it on one of them, but I asked them to suppley the lifeboat themselves, and not leave it to the comments oin the bottom of the page.
Bezras Hashem they'll do it! I sure hope so (it's called free advertising)
What did enyone else accomplish so far?
How about this, it;s already 11/12pm. Print acouple fliers, drive to your nearest (or farthest) shul, and tape it to the front door. Just do everyone a favor and don't skimp on the tape. No-bosy has the guts to unfold the sign, since people will look at them crosseyed. However, everyone has the curiosity to read the website's name, and make a mental note of it. Mybe also pencil-in "not Breslav" :D
cmon who's up to the chaleenge!!!! Oh and somebody in Ey please tell us when You got one of these signs on the Mir Yeshiva's bulletin board. (try doing it at 4-5am) the only people up, are in their own 4 amos of torah, and everybody else is definitely asleep! Fine 3-4 am if you are too scared.
One late night for us, thousands of hours less p___-surfing for mankind (yidden in particualr)