Important update: The Rosh Yeshiva has requested that one of these two versions of his letter (which do not mention the GYE website) be used in venues where the Internet is not being used by virtually everyone.
I have asked Guard to post these versions on the GYE site.
Version #1 (no mention of GYE site; uses the word "pornography"):
There is an international scourge attacking the Jewish People: this is the widespread addiction of men to pornography. Fueled mainly by the Internet, but no less by other means of communication such as telephone and DVDs, this scourge threatens to tear apart the fabric of Jewish life and undermine one of its major foundations, that of tzenius (moral restraint).
This addiction has spared no class of Jews: from teenagers to kollel members, from office workers to Rabbis, and from single to married men. I have seen personal lives ruined and marriages wrecked because of this relentless temptation.
A single individual has undertaken to stem this tide of destruction, despite the personal and financial strain which this entails. This is the anonymous administrator of the program known as “Guard Your Eyes.” By utilizing methods which have proved successful in treating other addictions, and by providing constant encouragement, support and strategies to victims, “Guard Your Eyes” has successfully helped wean hundreds, if not thousands, from pornographic addiction and has helped return them to normal life.
I have seen the materials and handbooks which this program distributes and have only praise for its methodology and approach to the problems of the addicts. Everything which I have seen conforms to the highest standards of Torah values. I highly recommend anyone who suffers from this problem to avail himself of this effective program.
“Guard Your Eyes” is worthy of the encouragement and financial support of every Jew.
May HKBH grant its administrator the wisdom, the strength and the means to continue this holy work, and may it help return the Jewish People to becoming a nation regarding whom it is written, והתקדשתם והייתם קדושים (“Sanctify yourselves and you shall then be holy”).
With deep respect,
Aharon Feldman
Version #2 (no mention of GYE site; does not use the word "pornography"):
There is an international scourge attacking the Jewish People: this is the widespread addiction of men to viewing inappropriate material. Fueled mainly by the Internet, but no less by other means of communication such as telephone and DVDs, this scourge threatens to tear apart the fabric of Jewish life and undermine one of its major foundations, that of tzenius (moral restraint).
This addiction has spared no class of Jews: from teenagers to kollel members, from office workers to Rabbis, and from single to married men. I have seen personal lives ruined and marriages wrecked because of this relentless temptation.
A single individual has undertaken to stem this tide of destruction, despite the personal and financial strain which this entails. This is the anonymous administrator of the program known as “Guard Your Eyes.” By utilizing methods which have proved successful in treating other addictions, and by providing constant encouragement, support and strategies to victims, “Guard Your Eyes” has successfully helped wean hundreds, if not thousands, from this addiction and has helped return them to normal life.
I have seen the materials and handbooks which this program distributes and have only praise for its methodology and approach to the problems of the addicts. Everything which I have seen conforms to the highest standards of Torah values. I highly recommend anyone who suffers from this problem to avail himself of this effective program.
“Guard Your Eyes” is worthy of the encouragement and financial support of every Jew.
May HKBH grant its administrator the wisdom, the strength and the means to continue this holy work, and may it help return the Jewish People to becoming a nation regarding whom it is written, והתקדשתם והייתם קדושים (“Sanctify yourselves and you shall then be holy”).
With deep respect,
Aharon Feldman