You must know that you are a viturtual Tzadik for having made the "choice" to come here instead, and in fact, this choice has built an unbelievably strong infrastructure for you to do it again. Once you have done it once, there is no question that you can/will be able to do it again and BUILD upon your new choice and action. I put my hat on for you!
You should know that I relate to your post 100% as I was in the same situation. I would fall, get up, and fall, and get up, and each time the yetzer just squeezed a little bit, I immediately gave in. Why? I too believed that I was no match for him and so....what's the use... I gave up-almost.
And yes, each time I would fall, I would fall a little bit deeper than the previous fall. Then hashem would remove the menuvals grasp from me, until the next time he returned. Then I would fall even deeper then the previous fall. I saw the pattern, and I knew that it was only a matter of time that I would hit rock bottom and be completely out of control. This was a big fear for me, and caused even more anxiety which in turns feed the Y"H. This animal drive somehow makes a person who is over laden with anxiety and depression, to feel as if he is alive. He is, but is all the nefesh habaheimi, not the neshamah.
It was actually the magic words of Guardureyes that helped me when he said that you must realize that this is not just a spiritual matter but also an addiction, and when you look at it as an addiction, then you can treat it. This is what changed the entire light for me. I completely understood that it WAS a great spiritual battle for me, (even more than just addiction), BUT, when in fact relating to it as an addiction, it changed my entire view of this disease-removed my helpless feeling, and allowed me to re-group and tackle it from another angle. b"H I am on the road to recovery, starting my 4th month, and I have no intention of going back to that place again.
Believe me, the menuval is still starting up with me. He flashes ideas, pictures, thoughts into my mind like bolts of lightening, and I flash them right back out. It is not easy, but it is not meant to be easy. This is our avodah. This is what we are meant to be doing in Olam fight hashem's battle. He almost got me a couple of days ago, but because of my new kabalah on myself, etc, Hashem saved me in a niflahdikka way.
The most important point here is that:
I also believed that I couldn't beat him: This is Sheker gamor. This thought is the most powerful arsenal of the menuval. Once you buy into this thought, the battle is finished before it even started.
So dear yid, I promise you that you CAN beat him, and the only thing that you are lacking is the changing of this belief that you can't. Change it now, and also make sure that you have the Ratzon (desire) to want to change.
with these 2 ingredients, nothing can stop you...I promise. But, you must WANT this.
One last point: I too use to surf the web out of bordom and anxiety etc, and I too ended up in the wrong places. I noticed this pattern and new that I could only be on line for business or for a specific kosher goal. Once I fulfilled this goal, then I knew that if I didn't shut down I would get myself in trouble.
BTW- A computer filter (where you don't have the code) is a very very strong item to bring to Yom Hakippur. This is something that hits the menuval where it reall hurts.
G'Mar Chasimah Tovah!