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A moral dilemma
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TOPIC: A moral dilemma 1336 Views

A moral dilemma 21 Jan 2010 12:57 #47444

  • buzi
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To all the special people at GYE
After two months at GYE my life has changed immensely in many aspects, and I am indebted to everyone here and of course R Guard for saving my life/soul.
I have the following dilemma which I would appreciate hearing what the Oilam think.
I have always had an aversion to technology. On a very personal level I feel that the more I get involved in technology, the more it interferes with my Ruchniyus. I might be wrong, but it is the way that I feel. For this reason I do not have a computer at home.
The ironic thing about GYE is that to be part of it, I need internet access. Currently I have access at work which for obvious reasons means that I have limited time. (Interesting that I had less of a “dilemma” when I browsed other sites). 
For this reason I have thought for a long time about getting a laptop. It is clear to me that I need GYE as oxygen for my soul, on a regular basis, and for the support you give when I need it. I feel that I have so much more to gain (and hopefully to give) from having more time to communicate with everyone.
Yet, having a computer seems to be opening a whole can of worms!!
I would appreciate if anyone can help me weigh up the sides based on their own experience.
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Re: A moral dilemma 21 Jan 2010 13:18 #47452

  • buzi
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I just saw the thread about the internet ban, and I think that my question is a Halacha LeMase question in light of all that was said there. Maybe we need a GYE Poisek !
(BTW, that is if R Guard does not render a Psak himself)
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Re: A moral dilemma 21 Jan 2010 13:48 #47458

  • the.guard
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I was gonna say what RATM said. You're in Israel so install eNativ and allow only GYE and the forum. See eNativ's site for more info.

P.S. I use them too! Welcome aboard.
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
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Re: A moral dilemma 21 Jan 2010 14:19 #47465

  • buzi
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Thank you Raboisai.

A real load off my chest. I have been churning this over for weeks already. It is so special that I have somewhere to turn for guidence.

There is so much I want to say. I feel like my computer has been transformed from an Avizerayu DeArayus into an instrument of Kedusha. I just feel now that I want to thank HaShem and ask for continued SD (It's hard to find the words).
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Re: A moral dilemma 21 Jan 2010 14:23 #47468

  • Ineedhelp!!
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I think this is a great idea raised by RATM and then confirmed by Reb Guard. There could be one fall back which you need to specify with the filter gabbai. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE YOU TO GET ANY OTHER INTERNET ACCESS FROM THE FILTER GABBAI. That is something you need to specify beforehand and make sure that you are ready to hold by it. This computer is for GYE ONLY. This is the only way I would approve of this idea.

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Re: A moral dilemma 21 Jan 2010 15:32 #47479

  • kedusha
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Yiddle2 wrote on 21 Jan 2010 14:23:

I think this is a great idea raised by RATM and then confirmed by Reb Guard. There could be one fall back which you need to specify with the filter gabbai. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE YOU TO GET ANY OTHER INTERNET ACCESS FROM THE FILTER GABBAI. That is something you need to specify beforehand and make sure that you are ready to hold by it. This computer is for GYE ONLY. This is the only way I would approve of this idea.


I don't see why Torah/Shiurim websites can't be allowed as well.
Just as an alcoholic needs to avoid that first sip, a lust addict needs to avoid that first slip.Slip today? No way! ;)Fall today? No way, Jose'!
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Re: A moral dilemma 21 Jan 2010 15:42 #47482

  • Ineedhelp!!
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Agreed. But no "kosher" websites. What I mean by that is no news, sports, games, etc. Those websites would completely defeat the purpose of having the computer.
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Re: A moral dilemma 21 Jan 2010 16:03 #47487

  • steve
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Yiddle2 wrote on 21 Jan 2010 15:42:

Agreed. But no "kosher" websites. What I mean by that is no news, sports, games, etc. Those websites would completely defeat the purpose of having the computer.

True advice, Ovadia. This place, GYE, is the only real Kosher forum I know on this planet. And the Torah Shiurim sites are fine. But don't go to any "kosher" or jewish news sites, community blogs, etc. Not only do they succumb to placing improper photos and adverts along their page borders, which will link out to who knows where, but they allow for comments/blogs from people who have nothing better to do with their lives than spread loshon hora and motsei shem rah, under the veil of being anonymous. Don't even allow Google (Image searches on google DO NOT filter properly.), unless you can limit it to Google Maps and Gmail, so you can have anonymous email account to connect with your GYE family.

I recently made the connection that all these bad sites and anonymous Loshon Hora Blogs are like this generations "split idols behind the doors and shutters." When people get alone behind these closed doors and windows, the avoda zara comes back together whole...

Good luck! Daven right before you pay for it that it be used only for Avodas Hashem. May it be so clean that you will want to bury it next to you, as a testimony to your cleanliness and a passport to Olam Haba.

No one is so small that he can not give help, and no one is so big that he doesn't need it.

Kol HaOlam Kulo, Gesher Tzar Meod, V'HaIkkar: Lo L'Pacheid Klal.
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Re: A moral dilemma 21 Jan 2010 16:10 #47493

Since it's your computer, I would recommend that you work out all the details with the filter gabbai beforehand, and allow only a few specific sites, with no changes later. Otherwise, there's the risk of it becoming a game as far as which sites are good, which are ok, look, this site has a dvar torah...etc. There's a lot of grey area.

And you could easily end up frustrated, since who does HE think he is to tell me which sites I can't go on? Decide beforehand, and make a permanent list.

You could get a pretty simple laptop for this, maybe even a netbook.

We look forward to hearing more from you!
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Re: A moral dilemma 22 Jan 2010 07:54 #47725

Hi Ovadia, how have you been?

I lost track of you a little bit.  Sorry about that.  I've been better at keeping up with old threads than with checking out new ones.

I personally think if you don't NEED a computer at home, DON'T get one!!!

Because once you have one, even if you DON'T NEED it, it's almost impossible to get rid of it.

GYE actually does have other venues for support. 
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Re: A moral dilemma 22 Jan 2010 08:54 #47740

  • imtrying25
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I can only say my feelings. I wish i had never brought the computer into my home!!!!!! I wasnt planning on actually having one and then we got it as a wedding present. Im very tech savvy and ive figured out how to use everything to the benefit of my addiction. So i try and stay away from these things as much as possible!! Hashen yishmor oti!
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Re: A moral dilemma 22 Jan 2010 10:16 #47748

Dear Ovadia, I'm so glad to hear that you have gained so much from this forum, I'm gonna have to go with IM25 on this, and against the better judgment of people far wiser and greater than me, such as Reb Guard and RATM. Obviously you want to hear from all of us our own opinions not just a mimic of someone else's voice, so here's my opinion. Please don't get a laptop. Especially for people who have not fully conquered their YH in this area, technology such as lightbulbs may be fine, but anything with a screen and even the possibility of internet access is a poison, a total land mine. As the gemara says in many places "Ain adam dar im nachas bikfifa" (Kesusbos 72, 77, 86 et al) which means, "a person can't live with a snake in a basket" because at any moment that snake can go from being a nice pet to being a killer. The same goes for a laptop in the house (and yes, I know I have a laptop and a CPU at home....).

You managed to do just fine for the YH w/o a laptop in the house, now let's see you do real well for G-d w/o a laptop in the house. You'll access GUE from wherever you used to access other stuff

I truly believe that all the rationalizations of, "but I need it for GYE" is all atzas hayetzer at its best, and d#^% is he good!! He can dress up azoy vie di gresta tzaddikle!!
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Re: A moral dilemma 22 Jan 2010 16:33 #47805

Let me clarify - My advice was if you get a computer.

As for whether or not you should get one...I don't know enough about your situation, or addiction in general, to give a full response. It does strike me as a bad idea, but that's just my own very ignorant opinion.
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Re: A moral dilemma 22 Jan 2010 19:10 #47848

Rage ATM wrote on 21 Jan 2010 13:44:

Step 1: Buy laptop. Step 2. Install White list filter. Step three. Allow GYE and only GYE. Step Four. Enjoy laptop. Step Five. Do a small victory dance.

rinse wash and repeat till desired satisfaction.
"The passion and the flame is ignited,
you cant put it out once we light it"
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Re: A moral dilemma 23 Jan 2010 20:00 #47863

  • ark321
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i would say not to get a computer
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