5770 wrote on 05 Mar 2010 01:26:
you're of course right. Only earlier this evening I opened my big stupid mouth again and gave more precious advice. Luckily it was nothing major, but even so. How do you ignore everything that she does that is plain STUPID and keep smiling? please Hashem, close my big mouth (and close my ears)
A researcher recently conducted a study:
He recruited a large group of parents.
He had them sit in a room and watch clips of parents interacting with children...
In one clip there was a child playing with toys and the mother was trying to get the child to go to sleep.
The child put up a big fuss...
He had them write down a description of what they were seeing.
The following was discovered:
The parents who had good relationships with their children described that the child in the clip likes toys doesn't like bed, and therefore wants to continue what he likes...
The parents who had difficult relationships with their children described a mother who was being reasonable and fair and a child who was being defiant and misbehaving and unreasonable, some even attributed the child's behavior as being deliberately provocative.....
Point is:
A good relationship is a result of viewing the other in a positive light...
A strained relationship was a result of viewing the other in a negative light....
Most people would find it very difficult to just keep quiet when the other is acting totally inappropriate...
The key is to change the way we see things...
Much easier said than done, but over time we can change...
Holy brother, I hope I am not being offensive here, I love you, and want you to have good relationships....
Please let us now how things are...
Peace and Love....