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. 19 Jan 2010 07:22 #46843

  • MaalinBKodesh

Last Edit: 17 May 2010 03:57 by .

Re: starting college this week 19 Jan 2010 08:36 #46851

  • kollel guy
  • Gold Boarder
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Yes. Make it your business not to ever get into a conversation with a girl. If you have to - then openly tell her that your religion does not allow casual talk between the genders. It'll be weird for you, but a heck of a lot better than falling!
The first step into danger - for other people who fell in your situation, was always very innocent.

"Don't judge a situation by it's inherent worth, but rather by what it can possibly lead to" - Dwight Manachory

Okay, that person and quote don't really exist, but it's all true anyway.
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Re: starting college this week 19 Jan 2010 20:10 #46989

  • mekubal
  • Current streak: 1091 days
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College campuses can be very challenging. A certain Rosh Yeshiva (to remain anonymous) speaking at college campus, once told a group of college students (myself included) that one should exert extra tefilah prior to class.  Afterwords the Rosh Yeshiva said, if his father really knew what a college campus really was, his father wouldn't have even permitted him to speak then.  It is worth noting that today this Rosh Yeshiva is considered a gadol in america today and he said that he was affected by what he saw.

He came to campus regularly to give gemara shiur, but often digressed discussing issues of tznius on college campuses including internet access--he realized the college students face enourmous challenges.

I would venture to say the less one looks like a typical "college student" and more one looks like a "frum yid"... one even has a positive influence on others. 

I have noticed that people are more careful about what they say in front a person clearly of religous influence.
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Re: starting college this week 19 Jan 2010 20:28 #46996

  • bardichev




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Re: starting college this week 19 Jan 2010 20:53 #47007

  • Ineedhelp!!
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LeivTahorBeraLi wrote on 19 Jan 2010 07:22:

I start college this week. There will be lots of good looking young women in my classes. I have a pretty outgoing, fun personality. I need help to stay on track by not looking at them and befriending them, even if it's just 'harmless' small talk before and after class. I'm thinking about wearing my yarmulka on campus instead of a baseball cap, with tzitzis out, to stay on track, and daven for siyata dishmaya. Other ideas?!

I think these are all phenominal ideas. You have the will now you just gotta find the way!

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Re: starting college this week 19 Jan 2010 23:20 #47071

  • halevi
  • Fresh Boarder
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I used to wear a baseball cap in my first year of college but I now only wear a yarmulke (unless I'm planning on heading out to the gym afterwards... in which case it's bb cap). It's a MASSIVE challenge not to look. Almost insurmountable... so many attractive women, so few clothes. Especially in the hotter months.

Good luck. You'll need it.
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Re: starting college this week 19 Jan 2010 23:31 #47072

  • halevi
  • Fresh Boarder
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Kollel Guy wrote on 19 Jan 2010 08:36:

Yes. Make it your business not to ever get into a conversation with a girl. If you have to - then openly tell her that your religion does not allow casual talk between the genders. It'll be weird for you, but a heck of a lot better than falling!
The first step into danger - for other people who fell in your situation, was always very innocent.

"Don't judge a situation by it's inherent worth, but rather by what it can possibly lead to" - Dwight Manachory

Okay, that person and quote don't really exist, but it's all true anyway.

Easier said than done. What if he has to go a group project with a girl or two? It happens all the time.
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Re: starting college this week 19 Jan 2010 23:52 #47082

  • kollel guy
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Halevi wrote on 19 Jan 2010 23:31:

Kollel Guy wrote on 19 Jan 2010 08:36:

Yes. Make it your business not to ever get into a conversation with a girl. If you have to - then openly tell her that your religion does not allow casual talk between the genders. It'll be weird for you, but a heck of a lot better than falling!
The first step into danger - for other people who fell in your situation, was always very innocent.

"Don't judge a situation by it's inherent worth, but rather by what it can possibly lead to" - Dwight Manachory

Okay, that person and quote don't really exist, but it's all true anyway.

Easier said than done. What if he has to go a group project with a girl or two? It happens all the time.
Tzarich Iyun. Then I guess try to avoid that situation, and if you can't - you can't.
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Re: starting college this week 20 Jan 2010 00:11 #47088

First of all, Reb LTBL, your ideas are all solid - definitely daven, and go for a more frum look.

There might be conversations - keep it professional. If you're not sure where the line is between professional, friendly, and brusque, I'd say to err on the side of brusque - because naturally, we'd all lean a bit to the side of friendliness.

Remember - being friends with them will not help you in any way, and will probably hurt you - as tempting as it is, do your work, pull your weight, and bounce.
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Re: starting college this week 20 Jan 2010 00:18 #47089

  • halevi
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I think you can be friendly but under no circumstances can you have anything to do with them outside of university and class. No social events EVER. No matter what they are. And that should go with the non-jewish males as well.
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Re: starting college this week 20 Jan 2010 08:22 #47154

  • bardichev
Ok its bards again

I was kidding about the tuna sandwiches

But kippa and tzitzis will save your life (people think I'm a Rebbeh)

Don't facebook anyone on campus!!!

Get a shiur in torah everyday NMw!!!!
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Re: starting college this week 20 Jan 2010 11:26 #47174

"Don't judge a situation by it's inherent worth, but rather by what it can possibly lead to" - Dwight Manachory

Okay, that person and quote don't really exist, but it's all true anyway
Ha ! that was great ! i'm gonno use that one!
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Re: starting college this week 20 Jan 2010 14:44 #47198

Grow a big bushy beard too (unless you already have one).

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Re: starting college this week 20 Jan 2010 15:25 #47230

  • bardichev
That's funny

But let's give realistic and doable advice


Shiurie Torah

A cooneection with a Rabbi

Red lines in the sand etc..
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Re: starting college this week 20 Jan 2010 15:42 #47235

  • me3
  • Current streak: 98 days
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I think Halevi gave the most practical advice. From my own experience in college,

- be polite in class and in school.
- be totally unavailable outside of class, not to study and certainly not for a social event (no need to preach religion, you can blame it on your crazy schedule).

Of course you should look like a frum Jew at all times.

And you always need to keep up with your own learning / growth.
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