Hi Jeff,
What you describe is so normal. Just another tactic of the y"h.
I've been through this. You get into a disgreement, and then the y"h may come over, and say, "let's indulge in some extra curricular excitment, in order to get back at your wife. You are now upset with your wife, and so this means you are as unintimate as it can be so....I'll show her, I can get my intimacy from "another" place!
I saw in a sefer that when the y"h sees that he cannot prevail over someone, so then he just move on to another tactic. For example: If the person is completely set on not breaking his 90 days or whatever, and the y"h is having difficulty getting in, so he will then take away your patience, and make you very uptight, and yelling at everyone. Or, your y"h will go to your wife, (he can do this, in order to get you, he is not limited to stay only in your body),and he will have her say/do something really crazy just to get you to explode.
By knowing that this is still the y"h just wearing a different mask, you can then, apologize to your wife with complete sincerety, and agree with everything she says about how wrong you were etc etc. and know that by doing this.....you are smashing the same y"h just on a different front.
I know it's not easy, but it can be done.