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. 12 Jan 2010 03:45 #44643

  • MaalinBKodesh
Last Edit: 17 May 2010 06:13 by .

Re: Rav Avigdor Miller on television and movies 12 Jan 2010 04:10 #44648

  • kollel guy
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What does he mean by going to the Salumaria? What is Salumuria?
It's an Italian restaurant which serves all kinds of chazerai.

Wow... You know, thanks a lot for this. I have been going through a difficult time recently with movies. This is especially frustrating consideing that I have not watched movies in quite a few years.
I hope this shmuez can bring me back to my senses.
Last Edit: by livelygiraffe07.

Re: Rav Avigdor Miller on television and movies 12 Jan 2010 04:14 #44651

  • halevi
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Hmm. Whoops!
Last Edit: by anime.

Re: Rav Avigdor Miller on television and movies 12 Jan 2010 04:24 #44653

  • kollel guy
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Halevi wrote on 12 Jan 2010 04:14:

Hmm. Whoops!
Movie part or Italiano part?
Last Edit: by cleanmendy.

Re: Rav Avigdor Miller on television and movies 12 Jan 2010 04:26 #44655

  • halevi
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Haven't gotten around to the Italian food... yet.
Last Edit: by serenecheetah56.

Re: Rav Avigdor Miller on television and movies 12 Jan 2010 04:30 #44658

  • kollel guy
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That was a joke. Sorry, I'm not into the emoti-cons.
Last Edit: by freepenguin89.

Re: Rav Avigdor Miller on television and movies 12 Jan 2010 04:31 #44660

  • halevi
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I know 
Last Edit: by resilientunicorn99.

Re: Rav Avigdor Miller on television and movies 12 Jan 2010 04:32 #44662

  • halevi
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I think I've seen every single South Park episode.
Last Edit: by green20s.

Re: Rav Avigdor Miller on television and movies 12 Jan 2010 04:35 #44665

  • kollel guy
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LeivTahorBaraLi wrote on 12 Jan 2010 04:31:

Kollel Guy, your photo is appropriate for this TV/movies discussion and serves as a trigger for me...... a trigger for laughter. Oy the Southpark days. Hashem y'racheim and have mercy on me, lol.
Well, at least I get to see him and laugh. So it makes it easier for me. But being TV free is sweet...
Last Edit: by radiantcheetah26.

Re: Rav Avigdor Miller on television and movies 12 Jan 2010 05:14 #44682

  • ano nymous
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Halevi wrote on 12 Jan 2010 04:32:

I think I've seen every single South Park episode.

I think I've seen every single episode. At least five times.
Last Edit: by vibrantgiraffe17.

Re: Rav Avigdor Miller on television and movies 12 Jan 2010 06:00 #44691

reminds me of my flight to EY.  All bachurim and kollel, most ppl had a 'good deal' some had a "great deal".   
15 minutes into flight, 2 shlamazels strat with tetris, then that gets stupid so they switch to the other games. But swissair doesn't spend much money on games, so these shlamazels switch to the movie option

now the guys next to them, won't CV watch movies. But the games are technically 'kosher'. so soon EVERYONE is playing games.  but very soon everyone gets bored of them. so they start "not watching" the movie of the guy next to them.  nebach, an hour into the flight and half the place is watching movies. The guy next to me begged forgiveness and turned his on too.

it was only me and a chasidishe bachur that had our screens off. and he snapped 6 hours in, and watched a kosher nature movie.
Are we all that week. the avreich in-front of me was watching a movie, his wife playing a game. and when they switched seats she shut off the movie, and he turned another one on. Hello, why are you stooping lower than your wife can see herself. have some self respect and don't give her a RS to look down at you.

A frum family let their little kids watch movies the whole flight, "to keep them quiet" i offered to play with them on my lap instead, why destroy their precious and tahor neshamos!!! to see bubby and zeidi you have to stain their otherwise sheltered eyes???

anyone with me on this. Oh yeh I heald out, the whole flight, thus I have the guts to say this. But on the way back, I would have snapped an hour in, if i wasn't holding a sefer torah. and even with that i was dying to turn the tv on!!!

I used to be addicted to "the simpsons", I knew every single one with a photographic memory. But movies we never realy watched too much. i spent my time on video games.
Last Edit: by souloriented21.

Re: Rav Avigdor Miller on television and movies 12 Jan 2010 08:26 #44696

  • kollel guy
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Ummmm, I don't know which flight you got onto, but on virtually EVERY flight I was ever on, 90% of the bachurim and yugurleit did not go near the movie/games/nature whatever. Yes there were always those few yo-yos in middle of everything watching without bushah, but for the most part - I don't know what your talking about.

Oh, and I was never zocheh to see it, but my friend told my about one chassidish guy who made the entire plane play musical chairs for 1/2 hr - so he shouldn't sit next to a lady, and then switched on the movie.

Still, I don't know why anybody needs a video. By far the best entertainment on the plane is when a yeshiva bochur has a pushing match with the stewardess, shimoneh esrei vs. big wheely thing with a bunch of 1/2 oz cans in them. He usually wins. 
Last Edit: by jubilantfalcon52.

Re: Rav Avigdor Miller on television and movies 12 Jan 2010 15:37 #44777

  • the.guard
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Click here for an article on movies by the famous Arutz 7 blogger, Tzvi Fishman. (If after reading this article, you still insist that you can't give up movies, click here for a prayer to recite before watching a movie).
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by otwtograteness.

Re: Rav Avigdor Miller on television and movies 12 Jan 2010 16:37 #44815

nice tefilah, Veyehi Noah Hashem Elokeinu Alainu...Una'aseh yadeinu konina Alainu U maasah Yadeinu Knonineihu

Oh and not to rationalize anyone's YH. But Lishitasi, I haven't yet heard someone else say it, whenever chazal say "ain lo chelek Leolam Haba" it doesn't neccesarily mean that the single performance of that act did it. Rather, the person who can possibly DO such an act, must have already lost his chelek leolam haba by everything else he does. It takes a person of a certain caliber to perform certain acts.

I am more sure of this klal, in reference to wearing tefilin shel rosh. How many of us have not scared goyim when they see it. Based on what chazal say, pandemonium should break out on every flight that someone puts-on teffilin? why hasn't this "terror in the skys" been reported on the 10 o'clock news?  Since wearing teffilin takes more than just puitting them on. One is only yotzei bidieved if he doesn't have the kavanos brought down in the shulchan aruch.  However if one lives by them here is how it will look.

      "One must have intent, when donning tefilin, that the creator of all existence, whom I feel it imperative to glorify his name, has commanded him to don them. For they contained 4 parshiot which extoll the virtues of the absolute oneness of G-D, and the great redemption from Egypt with all that it entails. And G-D commanded us to place the parshiot which pertain to these great bonds and covenants which we have with him, opposite our heart (within our heartfelt emotions) and opposite our brain (to instill them into our mindset). And by doing so we will remember how G-D has altered and defied the laws of nature, in performing miracles and wonders, for us. Since these stand as a testament to his oneness (and singlehanded control of every force and power), and his ability and absolute power in both the heavenly spheres and lower existence to do as he pleases.  And one should subsequently, subjugate his neshama which is manifested in his mental capacities, and the feelings and emotions of his heart (which is the source and root of tayva and thoughts)
      And in doing so one will constantly remember the creator of all existence, and will thereby minimize pursuit of pleasure"

someone who lines like this, at least when he puts on tefillin. will cause pandemonium on an airplane.
Last Edit: by DeletedUser39652.
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